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Everything posted by penguin

  1. Can't decide what's more unbelievable: How poor Ramos was or how he wasn't taken off, especially with a €32.2 defensive midfielder on the bench. Bale was also anonymous. And he has shit hair.
  2. 10 goals in 14 games, but yeah they clearly would have made the play offs if that word removed Bent didn't play for them People not rating him, fair enough but I don't get the intensity of the personal hatred, at all.
  3. I don't think anybody wants to sell him, but realistically if he wants to go there is no chance of keeping him. He's good enough to play for almost any team in the world.
  4. So much for us not winning again this season then eh
  5. The **** is going on here?? Clattenburg not giving us a thing the complete rocket polisher.
  6. **** clamity defending, needless pressure now.
  7. So glad we got the 2nd, deserved it and surely Everton won't be as bad second half.
  8. He's alright that Benteke ain't he.
  9. Guessing not the cheapest option as he's: Young, English and highly rated, but i'd take Tyrone Mings from Ipswich if they don't come up.
  10. Just watched City of God, perhaps a victim of its own hype for me but I couldn't help be feel a little disappointed. It was ok but very predictable.
  11. penguin

    Carles Gil

    Fair point, although it was also happening after we did the double over the Albion. So whilst I do agree that it was, somewhat understandable, at that particular time I personally believe it had little to do with the results. But as mentioned the overreactions now seem few and far between and most references of the tongue-in-cheek variety.
  12. penguin

    Carles Gil

    Granted it has been nowhere near as prevelant of late but not too long ago the amount of people going way overboard about the lack of Gil, even to the point of wanting Sherwood out, certainly seemed more than the small minority. Particularly in match threads if memory serves me correctly. Personally I have found it a little disappointing that he hasn't featured more but I have also been very impressed with recent performances, so have felt Sherwood's decision to play others instead has been vindicated.
  13. Shawcross and Johnson, yes I agree. Richards however, if the wage was right, would be an excellent signing imo.
  14. This the first season in a while I am genuinely looking forward to next year, can't remember us playing such positive football on the front foot that I've seen. Hence why I'd be extra gutted if we dropped!
  15. Yeah I hope we get someone better but I have no idea who, would take Huddlestone over Sanchez atm personally. (Although he had a good game against City, l get nervous when he gets the ball in our half)
  16. You need a calm presence as well; I really like him myself, strong and can pick a pass, got a good strike on him as well. Seems like one of those players that everyone calls over-rated yet I don't know anyone who rates him highly at all haha.
  17. Probably not a popular choice but if Hull drop I'd take Huddlestone, think he'd do a job for us as a defensive mid. Would take Aluko as well, he looks a real talent.
  18. Not aimed at you in particular - but why can you take any comfort from that ? - I'm not saying you're wrong - but he's been gone almost 3 months and relegation is still a distinct possibility Im just saying that under Sherwood we are still more than likely to stay up and comparing the difference between the 2 different managers. Our last 3 games we have: Beat Spurs away Beat the scousers at Wembley Very unfortunate to lose to the champions on their own patch, we would have won if it were not for a disgraceful decision by the officials. Also, Newcastle could well be dragged into this yet, they are **** awful. Ah right - we were unfortunate against Man City ? - why on earth didn't some one tell me ...... Lets just hope were not unfortunate against Everton, coming to think of it we were unfortunate against Stoke\Swansea\Newcastle - somebody call the FA and get them to shift us the table a bit - be unfortunate if we got relegated... Can't help but feel you're simply on the wind up. Surely it's not hard to see that the better the performance the better the likelihood of collecting points? Obviously luck plays a part, which has gone against us in a few occasions but there is next to no chance that if we keep playing how we have, continually being the better team, we'll fail to pick up points.
  19. You wouldn't if you'd seen the first half. Let's hope they turn it around though.
  20. **** had to Albrighton as well didn't it
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