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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Guys, if we sell Ings and bring in Danjuma - will you be happy?
  2. Fact of the matter is, if we do sell Ings in this window, they cannot be relying on Duran to come in and hit the ground running. If they do that it is a reckless gamble that could easily backfire if we're not too careful. Watkins is unreliable for goals and an injury to him leaves us very light up front. However, I hope we don't go out and panic-buy another older (experienced) player on fat wages just to fill out the gap Ings will leave. If we go for a striker this window he needs to be one that makes sense in regards to what we are trying to achieve.
  3. Bop bop bop B bop bop bop bop He's not from planet earth Jhon Duran, Jhon Jader Duran's Not from planet earth. Repeat over and over
  4. Isn't that season the first as a head coach for the Chicago Fire boss? No offence but, going to a club that has such a successful and very experienced boss might be a perfect fit for Jhon. I'd imagine he will also be getting some good advice from Juan Pablo about his time at Villa and love of our club. Maybe I'm getting my hopes up here but this guy just reminds me so much of Benteke. If he gets off to a start that's even half as promising as Benteke was he will have the Villa faithful singing his name week after week and his confidence will boom.
  5. Guendouzi was at Arsenal with Martinez, right? Maybe he wants to join up with the big man again, especially if our World Cup winner has had a word "Villa is a big club mate".
  6. If we found a place for both Ings and Duran in the team and it was working, I'd like to see Watkins wide left because his work rate is still needed in this team.
  7. I understand the fears of some on here - the inexperience, the lack of notoriety, the league he's come from etc - but, what about the flip side? He's raw, he's a unit so built for the PL, he's got pace, which we lack. Fees are extremely high these days so £18m or whatever it is really isn't that much of a gamble, especially for his age and raw talent alone. Remember, Chelsea paid us more for Chucky! Welcome to the best club in the world, Jhon. Be like your namesakes - be hungry like a wolf and knock them all down!
  8. What a player Bouba is. His reading of the game is unbelievable! That touch for the first goal - WOW! he made that goal. He had four options but chose the right one and was just brilliant all game. We need to build around him and Martinez. It's clear our attacking threat is not up to scratch. When we get better forwards we will have a great team.
  9. Best keeper we've had since Bosnich and I hope that he stays here because it is great to have someone of his stature between the sticks.
  10. Coming into the team for a debut against those scutters so shortly after arriving at a new club in a foreign land was a difficult ask indeed. But, despite a tough 15-20 minutes after coming on, he played great. I was really impressed with his pace, quick feet, ability to cover lots of ground and, what a great clearance! I'm confident that Alex will be our starting left back next season and by then will be a key member of the first team.
  11. He's shown very little since he's been here. His body language was wrong again, just like Coutinho's was. We need to replace those two plus Buendia.
  12. I think if it does happen it will be for him to play alongside Carlos.
  13. I don't get the complaints about playing Olsen over Martinez today. It's the cup and second string keepers across the big clubs all play in these games. It was only a week ago Olsen was being praised for his performance against Spurs. If Emery had played Martinez today and he got injured and out of the Leeds game people would be questioning his decision to play him. Playing Olsen was the right decision. However, I hope that Emery is in the market for a new back-up keeper this month as Olsen clearly is a car crash waiting to happen.
  14. We need to get rid of quite a few fringe players. Sanson, Augustinsson, Olsen, Coutinho, for starters and then look at the likes of Buendia, Bailey, Mings, Konsa, Digne. They're simply not good enough for Europe. We need at least 2-3 creative players in the door as we badly lacked creativity against a League Two side today.
  15. I don't think for one minute that Emery is at fault for that. He fielded a team full of experience and international caps that should have been more than capable of beating a League two side. Some of the changes were forced on him and others seemed to be to freshen it up because we looked blunt in attack. The fact that Watkins did nothing for their second, together with a keeper who is just not good enough, isn't on Emery. That's on those two players. He also cannot be blamed for the fact the ref awarded a penalty instead of a free kick and sent our player off when there was cover behind him. I hope that some good comes out of this by way of him losing faith in some of the players he may have thought good enough to keep at the club. He could sell half tomorrow and they wouldn't be missed.
  16. Nothing wrong with the starting lineup. The problem we have is, we need better players full stop.
  17. That starting eleven shouldn't be struggling against a side like Stevenage. These players aren't kids - they're seasoned professionals. Bednarek, Cash and Dendoncker have just been at the World Cup. Augustinsson, Olsen, Luiz, Coutinho, Bailey and Ings have all played at International level too. Some of the changes were forced and some were tactical but we shouldn't have thrown that away. Dendoncker was shite for their first but, it was never a penalty and never a red. Ofr their second, Watkins was useless, just like he was for the Wolves goal the other night.
  18. No good pumping it into the box to the midgets we have up in attack.
  19. Why on earth did they allow Traore to cut inside? Madness. We dodged one then. Worried about the change of Watkins. He's a willing runner which is more than can be said for a lot of these tonight.
  20. Can only think that the Wolves coaches/players saw us in Sunday and realised that they can get at us playing with pace, which is working. If Villa play a higher back line, to try to push us further forward, Wolves will throw on Traore and he'll destroy us. For that reason, I can't see us getting anything other than a defeat in this game.
  21. Neither is McGinn but, he's got more quality on the ball.
  22. They're unhappy. They're having a go at each other. That's good but, they need to switch on otherwise they'll go two down then capitulate.
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