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Everything posted by thabucks

  1. So Randy's here for a while longer then. http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villa-takeover-talk-hold-7860333#rlabs=1
  2. Not sure where to put this but it sort if relates to Randy. They're could be hope yet! http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/29349740 Let's get a group together and do the same. Apologies mods but wasn't sure where to post this.
  3. I saw a very young Dwight Yorke play one of his first ever games for villa for a Villa XI back in pre season 89 against my home club Cirencester Town. I saw a very young Dwight Yorke play one of his first ever games for villa for a Villa XI back in pre season 89 against my home club Cirencester Town.
  4. Anyone know the exact rules on the 25 squad lists as I've Just seem on teamtalk their picks of the free transfers available, one name sprang out Sotiris Ninis. 24 Y/O attacking midfielder once highly thought off a couple of years ago but released by Parma. If we loaned out say Herd or Lowton could we hypothetically replace them with him ?
  5. Just a theory but was thinking that maybe Randy has done us a favour by keeping expenditure down this window as our balance sheet is supposedly going to show a £10-£15 mill profit for the last financial year before the extra tv money is accounted for. My theory is it gives the new ( if there is one ) owner the potential to splurge a huge chunk of cash on players without having to worry about FFP. I'm sure I read somewhere that we could spend near £60 million next summer and not worry. Plus with tom fox hopefully having an impact on our sponsorship deals and related business we could hopefully be in a very strong position financially to compete and get the calibre of players in we crave and deserve. Gets tin hat on
  6. Only flicked back a couple of pages but I'm surprised at the lack of "we should spending the money on Milner instead " comments. It seems the footballing god that is Lewis holtby ? Is the new vogue player to lust after though god knows why. IMO Cleverley could be a fantastic player for us and a serious upgrade on what we have currently. Let's hope working under keane helps swings this in our favour
  7. What's the obsession about this mythical player holtby who has done nothing in this league for spurs or Fulham? Is it because he is German & exotic sounding ? Please can someone explain why holtby would be a better option than cleverley who may of been a bit shite last season but has proven he can perform at times for Wigan, man utd and England ?
  8. Cue rumour appearing on TBAR or twitter in the next few days we are going to bought by a Russian ogliarch and Kokorin will be our marque signing.
  9. Matt Kendrick article says a mystery billionaire was at the game recently http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villa-prodigal-players-prosper-7523128 Matt Kendrick article says a mystery billionaire was at the game recently http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villa-prodigal-players-prosper-7523128
  10. I'm not advocating signing ronaldinho but just think how much Grealish, Robinson & co would learn from just 6 months of seeing him at close quarters. Sure he is slow but then so is Pirlo. I already have both home and away kits with names in the back but I'd get then both again with his name on them. If it's true he was on 25k make it happen pay as you play with bonuses.
  11. Its on our wiki page as well http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aston_Villa_F.C.
  12. Never gunna happen then. If it was him, it's not going to leak on Facebook first, foreign press will run with it before we get a sniff
  13. I see someone has been creative on wiki http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Fentener_van_Vlissingen
  14. I myself think it would be genius if Randy was having a bit of fun (knowing how desperate certain sites are to come across ITK) , and hiring a Arison lookalike to attend the game, then sitting back and watching the eschewing results and sleuthing with a sly smile
  15. Every summer it's the same I feel jealous of other teams signings compared to our own and every year at the end of the season I look back and think thank **** we didn't get him or him. Albeit not always but we are aston villa lets forget who anyone else has signed and support OUR team. Yeah senderos wouldn't have been my pick at all and yeah probs would have preferred lescott on paper but let's judge all our signings compared to others and then end of season.
  16. I'm surprised only Vlaar & Bent have been speculatively linked with a move away. Given Delphs performances at times last year and his contract situation I would of thought they would of been a link to a move away by now. Same with Guzan. Still time I know. Cue headlines tomorrow Spurs sign 11th centre midfielder Delph for £4 mill
  17. Please can someone good buy us so we can sign someone good ?!
  18. Can't believe people are questioning our physio's I feel some Villa fans are at they're happiest when complaining or criticising the club . If you take a minute to rationally consider the types of injuries we have had these last 2 seasons. Okore injured in a game but back ahead of schedule. Physio's fault how ? Kozak injured by a innocuous tackle in training by Clark. Players have to tackle in training and can't see how it's the physio's fault. Benteke snapped his Achilles lining up a shot with no one around him. Physio's or training fault how ? Delph's injuries I'm not too sure what happened but I suppose when he did his ankle whilst on loan at Leeds that was somehow our clubs fault ? http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/webimage/1.4271045.1329898518!image/4102521705.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_595/4102521705.jpg Joe Cole is an unknown. Pirlo was written off and look how he has done at Juve. I'm not comparing the two directly but he could be an inspired signing for us relative to our current position.
  19. If he signs tomorrow we are not going to be taken over anytime soon that's for sure I guess if that is the case and we have little or NO money to spend it makes sense to cash in on Baker or Clark and replace with Senderos who is at best he going to be 4th choice and use funds generated to spend elsewhere.
  20. Because of the new BS Premier League FFP rules whereby you can increase your wage bill by £4 million a season unless you increase your sponsorship income I can't see us spending more than £15 to £20million this summer regardless of who takes us over. Macron & Dafabet deals can't be replaced until next summer at the earliest so the new owners have no choice other than selling the grounds naming rights to increase our commercial income and our spending power. With us being in profit for this season, along with Given, Bent, Hutton, and Nzogbia gone, new kit sponsor & manufacturer possible ground sponsorship and other revenue streams increased somehow. Next summer is when we could spend big. IMO it makes sense to keep Lambert for this season continuing to keep finances in check then next summer when we have cash to spend replace him then.
  21. I'll put a word in. Dubai needed a £20 billion bailout from Abu Dhabi so not to default on its debts. And I believe as part of the deal the tallest building in the world the Burj Khalifa is named after to crown prince of Abu Dhabi. So no thanks Qataris or nothing
  22. Interesting read. IMHO after reading that if the new owners are American I can only see Ellison or PA buying us as a trophy asset or part of a bigger network as you will never see a return on your investment. http://www.punditarena.com/football/english-football/rodonovan/anyone-want-aston-villa-football-club/
  23. I cannot see us signing anyone until the waters clear either way regarding a takeover there is no point. If Lerner is still here after the World Cup I also don't see us signing anyone until the last day or two of the window just increase there is sudden movement on the takeover front or if nothing is on the horizon to save on wages.
  24. Prepared for the inevitable backlash from what I'm about to say but I would rather have fellaini than the supposed prodigal son Milner. Both would likely cost the same in terms of fee and wages just feel our current team needs that nasty bite fellaini would bring to us. Ducks for cover
  25. You have threw away your money then, no 'name' will be coming here (not that I really rate De Boer anyways but that is a different matter.) I can't see anyone proven out there who would work under these constraints. We will stick with what we have, hopefully Bent and Hutton gets a lucrative contract in some jokeshow league and we can add 3 very good, experienced, proven players to the squad he has assembled. Then will be the time to judge Lambert. I'm not convinced this takeover will happen. I remember letting myself dream about the QIA rumours (which I heard was started by a student in Liverpool to see how far a random rumour could spread for a dissertation) I digress but my shout for De Boer is purely based on us actually getting taken over by an uber rich guy who wants to build the club up. De boer has already said he would leave Ajax for the right project and I don't see him getting the man utd job so building up one if the founding members of the league and former euro cup winners is an ideal project in my opinion. If Lerner stays best we can hope for outside of lambert is Moyes.
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