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Everything posted by thunderball

  1. 7 points from safety in November. Jeez.
  2. Its actually the only record we are missing, we've broken all the other terrible landmarks
  3. Hutton throwing away possession coming out of his own half led to that
  4. Doesn't help when you own players score
  5. How long has Sanchez been here? He still isn't up to speed with the PL!
  6. Hutton having another good game - showing some heart. Bring on Adama for Gil, scare them, they look shaky....
  7. Have you seen any of the intervening games? You might be in for a shock. Just as well its all seating nowadays, you might be glad of it.
  8. Charlie Austin could be bought if we wanted him enough. I think its more about getting the right type of player - they don't necessarily need to be world class - look at Leicester, no superstars, in fact no one of note other than Mahrez and Vardy who are class, but their team play as one and with energy, drive and industry - they dont drop their heads either. Remember where they were in February last season. Crystal Palace are similar. We need a solid side, we potentially have some quality, but we need more quality competition and more energy. I cant help but think that if we simplified it a bit - shored up the middle and defence, and just played down the wings with pace and crossed to Gestede, with Ayew playing behind (a bit like MON). We need to find the goals though.
  9. This doesn't reflect on Garde at all, Everton are a decent side and were in the groove today, could've troubled anyone. He can't polish a turd in 3 weeks. This performance will help Garde in many ways, and with January approaching, hopefully Lerner and his management will realise exactly what is required: spend, spend, spend. If Lerner wants £150m plus for his Premier League club, he needs to spend a £100m, because at the moment we are a £40m Championship side at best.
  10. To think I was stupid enough to actually be looking forward to this game. I'm 44, supported the club all my life and seen some shocking stuff in that time, but this is the worst Team in all that time, there is not a glimmer of hope in this team. I blame Lerner 100%. He has failed to invest and this is the consequence. W nker.
  11. Our defence is the key to our staying up, a good defence is the most important factor in a solid side. An extreme view being even if you can't score and therefore never win a game, if you don't concede a goal (and never lose) you would likely secure enough points for survival. However, you can score 2, 3 or 4 goals every week, but conceding 3, 4 or 5 goals every game will see you acrue no points. Unfortunately, we need to drastically improve both defence AND creativity/scoring. But we need to fix the defence right away, the scoring can come later.
  12. Solid. I am delighted to be underwhelmed given the buffoons we've had at the club assisting the first team - Keane, Wilkins, KMac.... If he shores up the opposition gift that is our defensive game, then great. Next: what about our offensive game?
  13. I guess he didn't fulfil the transfer panel's selection criteria: one of either Foreign; or called "Jordan". I guess they have learned a lesson and know they can't funk around any more, we need that Darren Bent January moment like never before. I still fear we are not creating enough though, we may need to spend £60m on a decent midfield creative too, or some one needs to tell Traore that he's not playing in the school yard any longer.
  14. How serious is the Afobe interest, he looks a decent prospect?
  15. Bacuna at 2:25 Yep, wish he'd grow an afro! If you have poor connection at 0.59 he puts in a earlier cameo. I have a (white) pal who looks like him, I'll dig out a photo one day.
  16. Not sure it's the greatest piece of journalism ever written, but it hits the mark and suitably paints 'Arry as the Dinosaur that he is. Football moves very quickly. The real eye opener for me was the YT clip embedded showing Sherwood's post Leicester interview. How did we not read him for the buffoon and charlatan that he obviously is. If QPR give him the reigns they are as crazy as every thinks they are. Like O'Leary before him (and surely Keane too), Sherwood should never get another job in football management, or at least in the top two divisions.
  17. Reasons to be cheerful: 1. Despite having a catastrophic first third of the season, we are still not too far off a poor tail end of the league. 2. We have a better squad than most of the relegation rivals with the possible exception of Newcastle (who will also likely escape). 3. Despite being dire, we have not been embarrassed this season, and we've played the best teams in the league. 4. We have hopefully turned the corner, whereas others will have their poor run. 5. We have a seemingly serious, ambitious figure in Garde. Let's hope he's the real deal, and lucky with it. 6. We have an owner with deep pockets and can spend big if he needs to in January. 7. That clown Sherwood has gone. Looks like we are safe then? ;-)
  18. let's hope he is more that that, we have one of them - Westwood
  19. Christ, a point will feel like winning the FA Cup today
  20. Change Sinclair, we need an injection of something
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