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Everything posted by Thug

  1. I don’t at all disagree with you. It would be a farce. But playing devils advocate… What are your thoughts about Israeli teams in the European competitions?
  2. Yh, I was 100% for bringing James straight back in… but after that performance it wouldn’t feel right.
  3. Too busy watching replay of Mounts Man Utd debut
  4. Imagine neymar getting that boot in the face…
  5. I think you’re right. When you watch it back, he seems to disappear which would suggest he THEN sits down.
  6. Any sane person will see this as grotesque overspending. They're trying to buy themselves a reputation, but it won’t wash with anyone. The west will still see them as money wasting evil overlords, and the Muslim world will see them as money wasting brownosing hipocrites. The Muslim world see this as a disgrace. Lavish spending whilst they starve children over the border in Yemen.
  7. We 100000000% agree. Ergo anyone who posts their feelings about the women’s game is not stating the obvious. So their opinion is valid, and not a waste of time. Thank you.
  8. Indeed you are correct. So what you’re saying is that it ISN’T obvious that the men’s game is better. so the posters who posted their feelings about it are NOT stating the obvious?
  9. Stereotyping and sexist. You need to rephrase that.
  10. it doesn’t matter one iota. I quite enjoy watching the games. But it’s not ‘incorrect’ to compare them. it’s not sexist to compare them. It’s pretty much stating the obvious. It’s not the women’s game that I have an issue with at all. it’s the oversensitive crap that makes it impossible to state an opinion about anything without people jumping down your throat. Quite honestly if someone sarcastically said ‘oh yh, well done for stating the obvious’ - I’d have no issue with it at all. Hell I’d wholeheartedly agree. Im sorry, it’s just my frustrations from everyday life creeping over into this. You really can’t have an opinion about anything these days without fear of offending someone - or being labelled as something-ist. I really wish the Lionesses well, and I will watch it, and I will thoroughly enjoy it.. probably a whole lot more than I did watching our men get smashed 5-1. But it isn’t ‘incorrect’ or ‘sexist’ to compare the men to the women. Any more than it is ‘incorrect’ to compare a Casio calculator watch to a Patek-Phillipe. It’s a comparison. Nothing more. Take what value you will from it, but there’s nothing ‘wrong’ with it. The posters that have made the comments both clearly watched the games. And it has even been said they had enjoyment from it. The point is that there’s still a long way to go to where the women’s game is striding to reach. Kinda obvious, but not a crime to say it. I guess I just feel the whole world is reaching a place where big brother really is watching us, and it seems thought-crimes are already here. If you don’t toe the line of the narrative, you get berated - how long before it’s you reporting me and me getting flung in jail? If you think women’s football is terrible, you should be allowed to say it. If you think someone is a clearing in the woods for saying it, you should be allowed to say that too. But just don’t change the truth. A lorry is bigger than a bike. The sun is hotter than the moon. Mens football is better than women’s football. All obvious. None ‘incorrect’.
  11. ok let’s assume he’s not on his phone (although it certainly looks like he is). he’s sat down, looking at something when the rest of his team are up. He’s clearly not the sharpest tool in the box.
  12. Pointless in YOUR opinion. Not FACTUALLY pointless. So to claim it as ‘incorrect’ is… incorrect.
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