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Everything posted by omariqy

  1. Great price. Any one know any good tablets for under a 100 quid. My father in law wants to buy one for his grand daughter who is 2. So she can play some educational games and watch YouTube cartoons and I player
  2. I got the HMV deal last year, which included Batman, NFS, Unchartered 3, Fifa 12, Rayman and Faster DVD. This year I was looking for my cousin. She wanted to buy one for her husband. She decided against the play.com deal as she wanted to buy the white ps3. She got GT5 and Sonic and the 320gb white PS3 for 229 at game.
  3. I was hoping to see him Benteke up front together. Seemed to do well against Swansea.
  4. Play has a great deal on, £199 for ps3 500gb super slim with Unchartered 3 GOTY and GT 5
  5. No I loved Flashback. Jet Set Radio was my choice. I know people loved it and I wanted to love it but I could never get into it and I didnt see the fuss over it.
  6. I remember that you could only score from one place on Fifa 96 on the mega drive
  7. Jet Set Radio. All these mega drive games remind me of 3 - the duel, flashback and speedball. Hours of fun.
  8. Can't find an old thread. Any good deals? When do the Xmas deals come out?
  9. We are updating to windows 7 this week. They are talking about iPads for everyone too.
  10. The best bit about Jellybean has to be how quick my phone is now. Havent really used Google Now.
  11. Just got Jellybean. Really smooth and quick
  12. Just got a rock quicksand case for my S3. Got rave reviews and looks great. Dont really want to cover up the phone but after it smashed and chipped everywhere last time I cant be too careful. P.s. Jellybean is out for unlocked phones it seems.
  13. Well i got bored during lunch and installed the following: Apex Launcher PlayerPro Beautiful Widgets PicSpeed I cant believe the level of customisation you can do compared to iOS.
  14. Is touchwiz much different to JB/ICS? I've never had a stock android phone just Samsung. I use widgetlocker to customise my lock screen. It is brilliant.
  15. I was very much the same. I dont see the point of buying a lovely phone and then covering up. But after the hassle of having to replace my phone after dropping it, I thought it best that I protect it. I only dropped it from a small height and it smashed the screen and messed up all the back casing. Just read that Three are rolling out JB for all S3's. I'm on Three and keep checking for updates but no luck!
  16. Need to get a good case/cover for my S3 and also a screen protector? Anyone know any good ones? Don't want a heavy duty one and re: screen protector - anything that is ultra clear. Thanks all
  17. Got my S3 back today all repaired and new. Annoyingly my apps are not auto restoring from the play store. I dont really want to go in and install each single one. Anything I can do to get them to restore? Anyone know much about Kies? When I backed up data before I sent it off, it wasnt working properly but I managed to get everything backed up albeit on 2 different files. Will it be ok to restore from 2 different files or will only one work?
  18. Interesting. I must give Benteke more of a chance. He scores everytime he shoots pretty much but the issue for me is he is far to slow in reacting or getting space for himself. Bent on the other hand can get away a first time shot and usually hits the target. My formation is similar: Subs: Given Kongolo Delph Albrighton Holman Gabby/Benteke Clark
  19. Need some players to sign for £1m to £5m. I;ve got Dragovic, Kongolo, Albaba, Tello and Insigne for Villa so far. Insigne is on loan though. Could do with another striker as Benteke is awful. Delph is a man possessed in this game.
  20. Seriously the most frustrating game ever. Its not fun to play anymore. I've had to notch down the difficulty to world class to even have a chance of winning games.
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