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Everything posted by MMFy

  1. I've never seen a single episode. I think I should sample it. How many episodes were made? Will I be able to watch them all before Christmas?
  2. MMFy


    Doctor, I have been on a course of Amoxcillin since Monday. I'm almost over the Bronchitis I had, and close to the end of the course, which I will still finish. A friend of mine says it is OK to drink while taking Amoxcillin. He usually gets pissed while taking the stuff. I am considering going out for a couple of pints (only a couple, not a session) as I feel well again. Is this advisable? What would you do?
  3. 33, only with this Bronchitis and the Sarcoidosis I feel about 75.
  4. Did the same in Croyde this afternoon - then had to cycle the 11 miles home in the dark...
  5. I like it when people share my opinion of Rooney. The bloke is gash. Ask yourselves this: If Rooney was just becoming noticed in the Prem now instead of being over-hyped for the last five years, how many people would pick him for England with his goal scoring record? England do not need a support striker, we should have support in quality from the wings and midfield. We need a natural goalscorer, and the closest we have got is Michael Owen, who is a crock. And consider this: Rooney only scored 13 league goals last season with supply from a world class midfield including the best winger in the world. Gabby scored 12 for the Villa. I'm not going to start calling "Gabby for England" though, as I don't care about international football anymore. For me, it all ended in two stages. 1. Phil (only got in the team off the back of his brother and playing for manure) Neville giving away that penalty against Romania in 2000. 2. David Seaman in 2002. Nigel Martyn was a far better keeper then but what would be the chance of a personnel change in the England side? We all know, you can't play Gerrard/Lampard in the same team, Rooney is shit, Wayne Bridge is always out of form, Lescott is not a centre half, Upson is not very good, Bullard, Beckham and Heskey are most likely going to be nowhere near the squad come 2010 and Walcott is by no means a finished article. But what do we know?
  6. I agree, but I also believe it is only until is ready to do it...
  7. Barry has been a cock but I will not hold it against him. He is, afterall, one of the best central midfielders in this country and would be sorely missed if he left the team. As a lot of footballers are cocks, I would have to forgive him.
  8. General, this is my first post in this thread. Obviously I'd like to thank you and the rest of the board for what you have achieved with the club we all love since 2006. I'd also like to second the sentiments of the above post. It appears some people's frustrations left over from the previous regime are inappropriately making their way into this thread. I'd like you to know that there are still masses of Villa fans, like myself, that have total faith in the new structure of the club and that we trust you all to do what is right for the progress of the team and the profile of the club. I'm a life log Villa fan and I feel an amount of pride for my club these days that I have not felt for years. Regards, Paul.
  9. It'll take more than just an apology - a lot of hard work and clear evidence of commitment will do it for me. However, the NotW article aside, I can't recall Barry blotting his copybook and generally being a model professional. After the Berger reconciliation the other season, nothing will surprise me. SDPH, your right MON has shown if you apologise you ill be brought back in, therefore I think in private Barry has done this, hence possible inclusion tomorrow he needs now to get the fans onside but the thinking is if MON is prepared to forgive then maybe we should ? but e need if not an apoloy from Barry some statement of clear intent and commitment if he is to stay Agreed entirely.
  10. My bad. I was thinking of the first section of the quote which you did not copy. So, what was in the letter?
  11. Exactly. If the child was returned to the parent and the drug abuse continued, a single call to the Child Welfare could have the child taken into custody - which could also be responsible family.
  12. See bold. From where? That's not the quote from above.
  13. Not really. I need a challenge and I'm not getting one. Why does MON need to "open the door to a deal", as you repeatedly put it? Gareth Barry is a contracted Aston Villa player, and for Bin Dippers FC to sign him, they need to match the asking price. It's not common sense though, is it. For all you know, the letter may have said: You are merely speculating and presenting as fact what you neither know nor can support. I think you need some clarification about my position here because you seem to be arguing with yourself more than you are me. If you are after a challenge, you should look elsewhere because I just want to talk about football, thanks. And if you insist on disrupting reasonable debate with conversational terrorism and scorched earth tactics, then you aren't doing anybody any favours, including yourself. All I offer is my opinion and yes, speculation - I can't help it if you misinterpret that as assumed knowledge, can I? Did you not notice this entire thread, nee forum is based on what you consider to be assumed knowledge? For all anybody knows, Liverpool may not have bid for Barry at all. Ah, I get it now. That above contains what we know about the letter. If you choose to interpret that as opening the door to negotiation, that's up to you. I interpret it as exactly what O'Neill says it is - a proposal outlining what he wants to make the deal happen. What we know about the letter is that there was a letter. At no point in that statement does it say "Villa are willing to negotiate" ot that we are offering a "proposal". It says nothing of that nature at all. If you consider what the press speculation has told us about that letter then it is that 'O'Neill wants £17m + Finnan'. Do I believe that? No. I am a cynic. For all you or I know, and as I stated earlier, the content of the letter could have been: If you assume the reports of previous bids were correct and Benitez has gone cold over £1m, the content of the letter is extremely suspect. As a life long Villa fan, I remember a situation with Robbie Keane at Wolves. HDE would not pay the £6m asking price and insisted on offering £5.5m. We lost out to Cov, who sold him 12 months later to Inter for £13m.
  14. Have Bin Dippers FC walked away from the deal? ITK! ITK! And once again, you refer to O'Neill's "steadfast refusal to negotiate". Bin Dippers FC know the price but so far have not matched it. Are you suggesting by "negotiating" you are referring to "lowering the asking price"? And around the carousel we continue... It's quite simple really.... If I walk into Next and pick up a skirt priced at £17.99 and then take it to till with a tenner in my hand...would I get the skirt?? If I add a £2 coin to the tenner would Next let me walk out the door with it?? Even If I swapped the £2 coin for a £5..would Next let me have it????!! The only way I get the skirt I want is to add £3 pound coins to the £15....and hey presto I'm out the door with the skirt and 1p change! I was thinking along very similar lines when I wrote my piece earlier. Replace Gareth Barry with my car, an Audi A4. I'm not really thinking about moving onto another car until I can get a diesel A6, which will take me to the next level, but the one I have will be OK for a couple of years yet. I see a diesel A6 sell for about the same value as I get for my car and as I have had a couple of enquiries over the last 12 months, I decide to stick it in the Auto Trader for £1,800. A bloke phones up, sounding like a bit of a cheeky scouse chappie. He comes for a look. While he's there he test drives the car, keys the doors then pours sugar in the petrol tank. He then offers me £1,000. I want the £1,800 I advertised the car for: it is the asking price. The cheeky scouse chappie then ups the offer to £1,200, then £1,300, before disappearing into the night in a Ford Sierra. Message to the FSW: Don't touch what you can't afford.
  15. Have Bin Dippers FC walked away from the deal? ITK! ITK! And once again, you refer to O'Neill's "steadfast refusal to negotiate". Bin Dippers FC know the price but so far have not matched it. Are you suggesting by "negotiating" you are referring to "lowering the asking price"? And around the carousel we continue...
  16. Not really. I need a challenge and I'm not getting one. Why does MON need to "open the door to a deal", as you repeatedly put it? Gareth Barry is a contracted Aston Villa player, and for Bin Dippers FC to sign him, they need to match the asking price. It's not common sense though, is it. For all you know, the letter may have said: You are merely speculating and presenting as fact what you neither know nor can support.
  17. I think we can consider O'Neill's letter to be more of a ransom note than a starting point for negotiation. Really? What did it say? That sounds awfully ITK... Not ITK buddy, just good old-fashioned common sense. So? What did it say? You can't possibly comment on it unless you know the content, and your posts here displaying assumed knowledge will be duly taken apart. This is a Villa message board.
  18. I think we can consider O'Neill's letter to be more of a ransom note than a starting point for negotiation. Really? What did it say? That sounds awfully ITK...
  19. It isn't rocket science, is it? Jesus wept. I'm hardly predicting what he wants for his dinner. You're putting words in another man's mouth. That is speculation, not discussion. I could say "Barry is a happy man at Aston Villa who most probably believes he will be captain of the club for the following five seasons. He's also having fish fingers for tea." and it wouldn't carry an ounce more credibility than your bullshit.
  20. So you're saying we should drop the price. Why should Barry cost less than Mascherano, Hargreaves or Carrick? It is the going rate for a player of that calibre in that position. Do you not understand this? You and I both know that is bollocks. Please try harder, your clearly appraent lack of applied knowledge is bringing down the level of intellect on the board.
  21. What the ****? He is contracted to the Villa. If he don't like that, he can stick a transfer request in. He hasn't. Okay, I'll type it in bold then. I'm talking from Gareth Barry's point-of-view, in response to a poster who was also talking from Gareth Barry's point-of-view. Clear? Are you Gareth Barry? No? Then why are you so convinced that you know what he is thinking? No amount of shouting on this board is going to convince me that you are more than just another presumtuous ITK, and an ITK for another team at that. This is a Villa board Respect that at least. As I said, if Barry thought his career was turning to shit faster than it would by hiring Sir Clive Sinclair as his personal trainer, all he has to do is put in a transfer request. He hasn't done that, so he clearly isn't willing to burn all his bridges just yet. He could be doing a hell of a lot worse than playing for Villa, that's for sure. But it's difficult to argue that he doesn't know himself what's best for his career. Now consider what I posted earlier: Are you going to continue to argue blind and specualte wildly or are you willing to join a sensible debate?
  22. What the ****? He is contracted to the Villa. If he don't like that, he can stick a transfer request in. He hasn't.
  23. Excellent point there. Can't wait for Redman's response...
  24. It depends on your point-of-view, doesn't it? If you are talking in terms of Barry's career, you could say O'Neill is denying him the right to play at the highest level of club football and enhance his chances of playing at the world cup. Are you suggesting again that we should sell any player who is subjected to a derisory bid? Have you not read enough of this site yet to understand MON and Randy's FIVE YEAR PLAN? Where does selling a player we want to keep fit into that? Sorry, but you are having delusions of grandeur now. Two years ago Barry was miles away from England and a 'top four' club would have not looked twice at him. MON worked on him and what you see now is a massively improved product. He signed a FOUR year deal in 2006. MON planned the team building and progress with that four year deal in mind. The FSW is **** with Villa's planning now and it looks to me like that is what he is also doing to Spuds. Trying to damage the competition by illicit methods.
  25. Sebadoh - Happily Divided (from the recently re-released Bubble & Scrape album)
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