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Everything posted by Stevo985

  1. Maybe, but as I said, after how Petrov played on MOnday, I can't see them dropping him. But I also can't see them dropping Bellamy or Tevez to fit SWP in.
  2. Stevo985

    FIFA 10

    Nah don't think I'll bother. I'm off to SOlihull after work anyway so might just bite the bullet and get iot from Game for whatever they are charging for it, if they have any.
  3. Stevo985

    FIFA 10

    Where is that TEsco? The one on the Stratford Road on the way to Shirley? if so that was the one I was going to check on the way back from work. Won't bother now. Did they say when they'd have any in?
  4. I think they'll go Given Zabaletta-Toure-Lescott-Bridge De Jong-Barry-Petrov Bellemy-Tevez-Adebayor That's with Bellamy playing a sort of wide right winger/striker role Can't see them dropping Petrov or Bellamy after the performance against West Ham
  5. 4-5-1 and we have every chance of a result here. Perfect team to counter attack against, and their defence doesn't look solid, Given has saved their bacon a lot this season (fair play to him). If we go 4-5-1 I reckon it'll finish 2-2
  6. Anyone had any problems with google maps recently? Mine seems to be going really slowly. It used to be great like a normal sat nav but recently it only updates your position every couple of minutes, which is bloody annoying if you're relying on it. At first I thought it was just poor connection in a certain area, but it does it everywhere.
  7. Jesus! I shouldn't laugh but I couldn't help it I'm afraid. "If you get Fifa 10 then you can get it, you can want it and you can......ready"
  8. WTF was that?! Unbelieveable! MILF though... If I knew anyone who had a "Windows 7 Launch Party" I'd hunt them down and rip their balls off. No-one that geeky even deserves genitalia.
  9. Stevo985

    FIFA 10

    Because that would involve getting up earlier, which is not an option. Plus I'mnot desperate, I won't be able to actually play it tomorrow anyway as I'm busy
  10. Stevo985

    FIFA 10

    I may pop into Tesco on my way home from work tomorrow at about 1. We'll see if they're sold outby then, I won't get my hopes up!
  11. Stevo985

    FIFA 10

    You could definitely do professional fouls which often was a push or an elbow. Dunno about diving, you could dive on ISS 98, I remember that. Also on an old Fifa, if you got booked you could just run away from the ref and he couldn't book you until he caught you. The game wouldn't restart until he caught you, but it was funny to run away from him for ages
  12. Hey I'll need all the help I can get to get me up to the next level...
  13. 16-25. Hoping to make the step up to the next bracket in the next year though!
  14. So was tv, the internet, or even electricity a few hundred years ago. But the components that were assembled to create said things did exist. There has always been potential tv, internet and electricity. Luckily, we have gained the knowledge to invent these things. I'm sure there is potential do invent and do many things we haven't even thought of yet. There is no such potential for time travel. This. No-one has invented a Flux capacitor and it's impossible to generate 1.21 gigawatts of electricity.
  15. Also, the results could be catastrophic if it were possible, going by Back to the Future, Terminator and Butterfly Effect rules. But Lost rules counters that.
  16. If it was we would surely have encountered people from the future by now? Although, it depends on the rules. Going by Time Traveller's wife rules we may not know about time travellers from the future. But no, I don't think it's possible.
  17. GTA4. As per usual, years after everyone else has completedit
  18. That guy deserves to die for such a ridiculous comment
  19. Stevo985

    FIFA 10

    A few people probably have it on the sly from shops. All shops will probably have the game by now they just have an embargo that means they can't sell it until the release date. If you went round Brum into every shop and tried to buy it you'd probably end up getting a copy. I was in Woolworths last year and some guy bought a game that hadn't been released. The staff didn't realise until he'd gone and didn't seem that bothered. I guess with something as well known as Fifa it might be different.
  20. Me too! Although, last time we lost to a shit team and I then assumed we'd get battered in the next game, we beat Liverpool, so there's always hope.
  21. Stevo985

    FIFA 10

    Easiest way to score from free kicks (well it was easy in 09 and seems to have carried forward to 10) is to aim at the side of the goal that isn't covered by the wall, aim for just inside the post, then just hit it straight. Hold L1 and triangle which makes them drill it hard, and as long as you get a decent height on it then it goes in 90% of the time I reckon.
  22. I questioned it. I didn't see how bringing off an attacking midfielder for a big man striker would help. And it didn't.
  23. And therefore probably bollocks. It is from QI but Idid somereading up and it appears to be true. Although whether the guys who took rat poison were disqualified seems to be debateable as apparently it was all legal back then. Thisis Hicks being carried And this is the cuban fella. He ran in street clothes but they made him cut the arms and legs off before he ran The whole of the 1904 olympics seem to be a farce if you read up about it.
  24. The 1904 Olympic Marathon was amazing! The winner was disqualified for riding 11 miles in a car, before the car broke down so he decided to run the rest of the way. The people who finished 2nd and 3rd were disqualified for taking rat poison as a performance enhancer. The race featured the first 2 black africans to compete in the Olympics (they were originally there as part of a side show). They did rather well. One of them could have won it but he was chased over a mile off course by a dog. Finally, the man who finished 4th was a Cuban Postman who quit his job to compete. he was very good, and probably could have won it, but halfway round he got hungry. After he stole some peaches from a marshall he wandered into an orchard and ate some apples. Unfortunately the apples were rotten so he felt sick and had to have a lie down before continuing the race and finishing 4th. Incidentally the eventual winner was Tom Hicks, a British born American, although he was so doped up on drugs and alcohol he had to be carried over the line.
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