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Everything posted by shambles

  1. They're all starstruck due to the fact that one of the dudes from 'Hanson' is a regular on VT
  2. I know, taking the piss out of the Albion just doesn't do it for me. Jeremy Peace is a smug cnut, but he knows how to run a tight football club. Whereas the filth......
  3. ^ Thats because our owner and his right hand men are men of class as well as business acumen. They are men in the same traditional Aston Villa mould of McGregor, Rinder and Ramsay. Men of dignity, style, substance and honour. Not filthy commies, running to the papers to draw attention to themselves bleating 'look at meeeee, look at meeee, look how much money I've got'.
  4. Whole problem in my opinion. We've come round full circle again though it seems.
  5. That should have been 'it' then.
  6. OK, which was the one where he was dying and the doctor had to do the op on his brain, and he died in the end?
  7. I think the plot lines and links between all the films have got more tenuous as each one rolls out and the strylines have got weaker. 3 should have been the finish IMO.
  8. Dom Wren - Whenever I go over to the States, my broad South-West Birmingham brummie dialect often gets mistake for Australian. Do you have similar experiences?
  9. Pure comedy gold. He really believes what he's writing. Another one for the funny farm. I particularly like the claim about the percentage of brummies that support the scum. If 75% of a city of over 1,000,000 people support the filth, why can they not fill a 30,000 stadium? Mong.
  10. Thats possibly the biggest crock of shite I've ever read. You can almost taste the bitterness.
  11. Not suprising really seeing as most of the large manufacturing companies closed for 2-3 weeks through august.JCB, Land Rover, Perkins..... We're 50% down on last year.
  12. Stephen Ireland has made the difference for them. He is certainly some player.
  13. Nah, Nige down the right, Jimmy down the left, still playing 2 up top.
  14. He should have that written on his tombstone POTY IMO.
  15. I must admit, I'd be dissapointed with a draw tonight. Man City certainly haven't looked good value for the £250 million invested. Heskey falls over - again.
  16. Youngs crossing has been awful tonight. If he's injured he ought to be off the pitch.
  17. tbf, the substitution should have been Carew for a midfielder about 10 minutes ago. We've had no control of this game at all this half.
  18. Of course it will be possible. I'm working on a flux capacitor as we speak.
  19. So classy. You must really be a hit with the ladies.
  20. I know, ironic really that I'd consider myself centre right. Maybe more of a chip off my old man's block than I thought.
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