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Everything posted by trekka

  1. 4 years 8) On the 5th year, MSN was king!
  2. What a fantastic response. Many thanks General. I coughed all of my coffee out all over my keyboard reading that! It was a fair result today. I trust we'll get the result needed at VP and I know we're all looking forward to the new season (well, most of us!).
  3. I met a girlfriend whilst at uni through internet "dating". OK, so it was through the Uni message boards but it went well. Chatted for a few weeks more or less constantly through ICQ (it was the "in" thing then ), arranged to meet up and we both hit it off. 6 months later and we realised we didn't really have much in common at all and it was the usual routine (i.e. met up in the uni bar for drinks and maybe a meal and not a lot else). Would definitely give it a go (properly) in the future if still single. Friends Reunited is a good call too. Met my last girlfriend (again) through that. My my had she changed :shock:
  4. General, Please take my upmost thanks for your apparent recent comment in response to a disrespectul comment by a Liverpool supporter on another forum. It was simply brilliant. EDIT: Seems, I've found the link and it seems someone has impersonated you! I don't think this was you, was it General? :shock:
  5. Happy 4th of July General and to your family. Please pass on our best regards to Randy and his family.
  6. Nice one Nayson. (are you the one on the far right? :wink: )
  7. Splodgenessabound - 2 Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (it gives me the friday feeling )
  8. trekka

    Top Gear

    It's back tonight fellas, looks a good'n. New member of the team?
  9. What time is it at the North Pole?
  10. Hello General, I won't duplicate previous replies as they're probably becoming somewhat tiresome by now...but nevertheless, well done. Do you have any inclination that we'll be expanding the coverage of Villa Stores in the near future? I now live in Portsmouth and it's quite prominent how there are various Portsmouth F.C. stores scattered across the region. Many thanks.
  11. Yusuf Islam (AKA Cat Stevens) - Peace Train. Pleasantly surprised by this.
  12. Avram will get another year I reckon. Would be very harsh for him to leave now.
  13. That worked a treat, I'll try it again if they go ahead
  14. Oh dear Ronaldo. If you're going to take the pen then don't bloody stop half way through. Humbug.
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