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Everything posted by trekka

  1. I'm genuinely saddened by this and a bit of a shock after he sent out a message earlier on in the week to say he is fine. He seemed a lovely man and his skits as Dame Edna and Sir Les Patterson were brilliant. Rest in peace, Barry!
  2. @TheAuthority. It is safe. Come on in and enjoy the fun!
  3. Sky Sports: "28: Moreno is rampant!". Damn straight, he's a rampant lion now.
  4. Ollie speaking very well on BT Sport. Keep on going, Ollie!
  5. Good man, William. Starting to prep the King after him too. "We will only support Aston Villa in this family".
  6. I was once behind a brand new Ferrari with the number plate "P155 POR". Bastard.
  7. Forest up v Leeds. Leeds into the bottom 2 as things stand.
  8. Screw any stats and screw the commentators. Thank you Unai and thank you NSWE. Friends, enjoy this evening. We're on the hunt and it feels so good!
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