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Everything posted by rbcuk

  1. Awful ain’t they, surely some of them have complained about the state of the top
  2. Could easily sub 6 of these today and yet tielemans moans he ain’t playing and when he does get given a start he’s as bad as he was last season with Leicester
  3. At least moreno is back in the squad, hopefully he’s back in soon enough get in Duran!!
  4. Were not going to it, gone for the 3 European games on our season ticket, couldn’t justify paying £36.50 against Everton, £20 and I think we’d have gone to it
  5. Was a poor game, thought we was far too slow in possession, glad we got the 3 points, superb goal from Duran, think soon as he come on it changed the game as he can hold up the ball
  6. Was trying to hard for me, but can see his quality once Upto speed he’ll be one hell of a player
  7. We are so slow, playing like we are winning and seeing the game out
  8. Rumour is Utd are looking at signing him
  9. There’s a behind the scenes documentary on Germany currently on Amazon in the World Cup, that shown he didn’t have a clue, plenty of the players having a go at one another in training sessions
  10. Only got in at half time, what a boring 45mins seen more of Kane in midfield than up top
  11. Maguire is an embarrassment diving when he fouled the keeper, absolute awful player
  12. What a shock he starts Maguire and Henderson, can’t wait till we see the back of this prat
  13. Doubt we will be going at them prices, especially how much more we had to pay for our season tickets this year and with the European games aswell which still waiting on the prices of these group games, but no doubt it’ll be around this price
  14. He’s leaving after the euros
  15. Shouldn’t have been subbed off was worse on the pitch at the time in Watkins and McGinn who should have been hooked off
  16. Has to start against palace was one of the plus points from today
  17. We **** up by not buying a striker in this transfer window, as however he plays he will start the next game, so far in the league been poor this season
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