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Everything posted by brommy

  1. I've seen Grealish dribble the ball and then cleanly hit a long pass that isn't scuffed so I don't know why he doesn't treat the shot as if he's hitting a 40 yard pass in to the net. Am I over simplifying it?
  2. I hope everyone appreciates the information in his tweets is given in an honest faith. For example, if Tony says we are expecting the arrival of a certain player and the player doesn't sign, I accept that even with the club's best efforts, it sometimes happens. Provided most of Tony's snippets, turn out to be on the money, I think he has the right to ignore any 'But you said..." trolls.
  3. Each to their own. I'm enjoying the honesty of Tony's interjections. They're not too cryptic either!
  4. I think Tony is disappointed Rangers gave an untruth to the media instead of stating that the club and player couldn't agree terms 'for personal reasons'.
  5. Rangers blaming a failed medical instead of admitting they had moved the goal posts on Lescott's contract offer.
  6. Look closer. He's in the beard.
  7. brommy

    Adama Traore

    As muscle is denser, therefore heavier, than fat, I expect Adama to be heavy for his size. Not sure that qualifies him as overweight though!
  8. Used to be quick but now tends to be slow and unreliable.
  9. Leave them to it. Some people enjoy hanging their hat on negativity. Let's hope they spend much of this season sat on their behinds!
  10. brommy

    Adama Traore

    Depending on the game in play, I would keep him as a sub for the next half dozen games. Hopefully he'll get a few half hours to prove he's worth a starting place.
  11. Better. One minute you're an OAP, the next you're a baby. Impressive. Jedinak is somewhere in the middle, right?
  12. At 32, I expect he'll be pushing for as long a contract as possible as it is likely to be his last contract on good pay. Wouldn't surprise me if he asks for 4 years and settles on 3 years as a compromise.
  13. One of the worst OGs I've watched live.
  14. Why would a 'billionaire' be wearing part of a courier's uniform?
  15. I note the 'on loan' tag to this thread. Is this wishful thinking?
  16. All posts are equal. Some posts are more equal than others.
  17. Fit for football? He could be the 'beep test' king and plenty would say no.
  18. We should start guessing what his tweets on Sunday evening will look like. I'll start with... WTF! They dead to me. Ref already sorted. UTV!!!
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