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Everything posted by Houlston

  1. Maybe I do then, but equally I think you need yours examined if you think Young is twice the player. To me I think its much of a muchness, they both have high assist rates and goals, difference being Nzogbia doesnt take every pen corner free kick going and arguably plays in a worse team.
  2. But they still signed these players over Nzogbia ergo they are better than Nzogbia because otherwise Fergie would of signed Nzogbia. That was basically your argument as to why Young is a better player than Nzogbia. Er, no it wasn't Whats that mean then?
  3. But they still signed these players over Nzogbia ergo they are better than Nzogbia because otherwise Fergie would of signed Nzobia. That was basically your argument as to why Young is a better player than Nzogbia. Again just because a player is signed somewhere over another player does not make them a bad player or not as good. Liverpool signed Carroll not Bent, is Carroll better than Bent is he ****.
  4. N'Zogbia nearly done. Hes on par if not better than those two. IMO of course. He's not though is he - if he was better than Young, MU would have signed him for half the cost. I didn't think that Downing was all that but just 'cos he's left us doesn't suddenly make him crap We have'nt signed Zog yet but if we do he will be a level below Young and we will have gone backwards So by that thought process Bebe and Obertan are also better than Nzogbia.
  5. They must be suicidal over the £20m for Henderson then.
  6. Fair point but Liverpool signed Andy Caroll and he has problems. I just dont think reported interest or lack of for what ever reason should be a barometer to judge a player, especially when its clear to see he is a very good footballer.
  7. And? Liverpool were the only club interested in Downing and they arent in CL. Arsenal was another sky sports bullshit story no doubt leaked by our own club to get Liverpool to pull their finger out of their arse. Just because certain clubs dont show interest doesnt mean he isnt a good player.
  8. Every club is a "feeder" club, every club sells its best players with the exception of probably two in the whole world. Its not that we're going backwards either its that other clubs have come forward over the past decade in a way that no one could have imagined, we are still a strong team in one of the hardest leagues in the world. Fans will continue to moan about one thing or another until we get that CL place and guess what it aint gonna happen. So just get over it and realise that Villa is not a top four side and nor has it been for a very very long time. We wont be relegated we just have to compete as best and hope for a cup win just like its been for almost the entire creation of the premier league. I dont really see what the big shock or dismay is. My biggest issue with Downing and Young going is not that they have gone or that we cant hold onto them. My worry is that its unlikely that we will spend the £36m from their transfers.
  9. it is 1 of his main assets, he has a great football brain that cannot be taught Really? For me he moves so littles it makes him look lazy.
  10. He is the 4th best goalkeeper in Premier League behind Cech, Reina and hart. Who did you want us to sign Casillas, Buffon Buffon would be too short term thinking
  11. And Downing is a decent player but by your own admission........
  12. Just hope Bendtner and Almunia arent involved
  13. I don't really care how much they cost, as long as they improve the team. Would you have preferred to spend 10m on Gordan, or 2m on Fredial. Some of the best playera I have ever seen at the Villa were "cheap buys" - McGrath, Taylor, Wright, Platt, Yorke etc..etc.. Put it this way, we were gonna (reportedly) spew about 10m each on Craig Gordan, Aiden McGeedy and co a couple of years ago - it didn't make them any good. I've just watched with great amusement Liverpool replace a midfield of Alonso, Mascherano with Jordan henderson and Charlie Adam at an expense of 30 million quid. Just coz they spent it, doesn't make it the correct thing to do Beautifully put.
  14. Collins looks like he's had a bad bout of the shits
  15. Like most players if he performs well on the pitch I'm not really too bothered what he's done in the past.
  16. That comment was rather childish if u ask me.. He didnt, and so is the use of u instead of you. Ironically this post is also childish I quite like Stephen Ireland, I like that he's mental and not a robot footballer that spouts the same old shit day in day out. Hopefully he'll play like he can next season as well.
  17. £7m according to Wiki mate. Cheers. So not alot more than we are going to pay for him. If we had signed him at that point, for that money, it would have been brilliant business. Not looking quite as good business now though how can 50% of that transfer fee at 3.5m not seem like good business?
  18. And there are plenty of goalkeepers in their thirties playing or played at the top schwarzer, seaman, buffon, robinson, howard those are just the ones off the top of my head. Likewise there are plenty of shit goalkeepers knocking around in their 20's. Givens injuries aside he is a more solid keeper than Foster who is just a slightly better Carson. Fergie gave Foster plenty of chances and all he did was **** them up. Talk about missing the point. Anyway why do people keep saying "injuries aside" like they don't matter? Not sure why you deleted my post, I did not insult nor post on poster. But just to clarify I don't think I missed the point but I guess I won't find out with little explanation.
  19. And there are plenty of goalkeepers in their thirties playing or played at the top schwarzer, seaman, buffon, robinson, howard those are just the ones off the top of my head. Likewise there are plenty of shit goalkeepers knocking around in their 20's. Givens injuries aside he is a more solid keeper than Foster who is just a slightly better Carson. Fergie gave Foster plenty of chances and all he did was **** them up. Also many people bemoan the fact we have Ireland here on the back of one good season well the same could be levelled at Foster and even then he made some howlers.
  20. Because HP and Daddies havent said so
  21. Dont see the problem with this one either, he's a very solid experienced player, he defends well and at times his forward play could match that of Walkers, granted Walker will no doubt continue to get better but Alan Hutton is a good player and much better than what we have if Young is to play on the left. I also like the fact that he's a bit of a nutter we dont have many of those at Villa except for Ireland but thats for different reasons. Very good prem player just cant see the problem or is it because he's not Maicon or someone of that ilk that we really will never sign but more importantly have never likley of signed and not just now.
  22. Think its even more naive to think that they have an infinite more times chance of qualifing for CL, yes they have a better chance but not by loads. They have a decent side but just because they have signed Andy Carroll and spunked away £20m on a very average player does not mean they are up there with the top 4. Spurs are also likely to lose their best player this summer. As for the 10th-12th placed consolidation well I think we will finish higher than last season.
  23. VT member nutmegs professional footballer, case in point not to sign him
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