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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. noone would be moaning if drogba had have scored that goal he should have gotten anyway? his attitude at the end is just his way of saying its his fault. they should have been out of sight, they had 2 1 on 1's.
  2. i work from home 100% of the time. best job in the world ever. an im not self employed btw
  3. Homer Vs Only one moment of peter griffin after being rick rolled 1 million times looking for 'peter griffin funny moments'...stupid kids, they really grind my gears
  4. MINGE!!!!! I dont know what to do...shall i get me knob out? im confused..
  5. it only cost me £20 for two people...not bad considering its a pretty healthy meal if you have 1/2 chicken, rice and corn on the cob. i love and i go regularly, particularly if i got to the cinema on broadstreet which i got to 2/3 times a week. extra hot all the way.. but if you go an help yourself to the sauces, if you have garlic or the other one (somethin like herb sauce) they are much hotter than the extra extra hot bottles (the black one)
  6. James Milners Younger brother is a dolphin named 'Zebeddy boing boing prince'
  7. James Milner shares 99.645% of his DNA with a cardboard box the other 0.355% consists of trace elements such as Pantene, bran flakes, birch tree, ostrich and syphilis.
  8. james milner doesn't believe in the longitudinal and latitudinal system.
  9. am i the only one who wishes nothing but pain on those evil looking children?
  10. i mean one of our world cup final goals which was pretty inconclusive, its all hindsight really, ronaldo dives, does this make him a 'CHEAT'? Gerrard has gotten penalties for numerous dives including the dive where he got a free kick against us (1st game last season) and scored, does that make him a cheat? people cheat to get an advantage, its only because it was a world cup final that we all lost that we're moaning. If we had gone on to win the cup (which we could have done at 1-1) noone would be saying diddlysquat.
  11. if the shoe were on the other foot, would you care if we cheated to win a world cup (linesman?) he's the most talented football player ever to grace the game, like other football genius's (gazza, stan (lol)) he's had problems with drugs etc etc so whats with all the stupid negativity? we all love george best and he was a raging alcoholic throughout his life, big deal, he did what he had to do to win a world cup for his country i'd have done the same. And they probably would have beaten us anyway...
  12. thought this was meant to be a family site?
  13. one for Gaz to the tune of Rehab by AMy Winehouse! So your gonna sell gareth Barry? well we say noooo nooooo nooooooooo! lol just came up with that for some reason
  14. He plays on the left, He plays on the riiggggggghhhhhhht, that boy ash young, just made you look shite! (good with arm waving)
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