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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. My future mother in law and her syndicate at work won 80,000 on the lottery. each member will see 2,500. not bad for a bit of fun. they got 5 numbers and the bonus, so it wasnt a jackpot unfortunately. Still jammy though, I'll have to ring her and tell her much Ive always loved her..
  2. OMG leisure suit larry was awesome lol. 'Where d'ya wanna go?'
  3. Scramble Spirits on Mastersystem. Dogfight - Mastersystem Super Mario Bros - SNES Micro Machines - Mega Drive Fifa 95 - Mega Drive Streets of rage - Mega Drive Metal Gear Solid - PS1 Coolborders 2 - PS1 Mortal Kombat 2 - Mega Drive Socom 2 - PS2 Command and Conquer (any up till Westwood Studios finished) - PC Black and White - PC Fifa 11 - PS3, not a classic, but i've spent loads of hours playing it.
  4. I think he means theres no Online mode to demo. You can probably just play a small chapter of the 1 player game. Although Im not too sure!
  5. When Thursday night football gets cancelled, enormously pisses me off. And how sad the understudy must be to hunt people down on facebook, cheeky little shit.
  6. should have been able to tie it to trees to trip horses up and pick pocket the riders. should have been a mini game where you do the jumping through the lasso spinning thing. could have done more than what they actually did with it,
  7. Oh for **** sake.. 1st Red Dead Redemption missed a trick with how awesome the lasso could have been and now they drop this shit on me? **** game makers are **** retarded. They're as abysmal human beings as car salesmen.
  8. its a **** game, stop with the gayness everything about it sounds good, but we need more detail and gameplay stuff now. if it ends up like left 4 dead then im going home.
  9. petrovs attempted through ball is probably the worst ive ever seen. lol. imagine silva doing that? na
  10. bradley and petrov need to leave the country now, never mind the pitch. 1 of our 3 midfielders are doing anything.
  11. great tackle, gets repremanded by jim 'he just cut across the ball, dare' beglin (or whatever)
  12. we're far to narrow, city always have a 20 yard pass which bypasses our entire midfield. we need to make the pitch smaller by standing further apart.
  13. powerful teams always beat us, we are really poor strength and stamina wise. i thought we would lose, but when we have the ball, we do nothing with it, plus when we have it Man city want it back, we dont.
  14. Its been shit since 03 - when they turned the show into the UK equivilent of a PG. In the 90's it was a 15, so you could be more edgy, with Blood and storylines etc etc. Vince's fault, until a fan gets a grip of it when Vince retires, It will remain the same, because kids buy merchandise, 20 year olds dont. Not watched it since 01/02.
  15. lapal_fan


    i'm suprised you have the time!
  16. angry birds is free on the andriod store no? its fun for free.
  17. Anyone with 29 posts a day is a complete saddo whether it be posted from your phone, computer or carrier pigeon. Nothing can be worth that amount of time.
  18. people who leave small amounts of coffee and tea in the cup but say they've finished... theres half a gobful in there you wastful poops.
  19. It was about villadude going on about xbox or xbox 360. you beat me to the joke. so i called you (jokingly) a prick sorry for confusing you!
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