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Everything posted by lapal_fan

  1. it was an innocent thread i tells ya!
  2. my thread about bumholes has gone :cry:
  3. Dougie Diggle & Kath Wynn..
  4. I think survival mode looks dog. I liked BLOPS, but this looks same old, same old. If you want survival mode see Zombies/Horde on Gears of war 2..
  5. Dice are thinking of adding the commo rose as alot of the community are really pushing for it. for those who dont know what it is, its basically a communication rose where you request ammo, say thanks, set markers, request medical help etc etc in a octagonal shape. Everyone is a bit narked about the 3d spotting (something i dont really mind to be honest) and the sniper rifle glint when they camp for more than 5 seconds (players will see a quick flash of light in the distance where the rifle is, highlighting the sniper) Apparently the damage model is unreal! I'm sad i cant afford to buy a decent PC to run it on though. console owners are restricted to 24 player combat and *maybe* smaller maps than our 64 player PC counterparts.
  6. I had a great orgasm yesterday, cheers rob182!
  7. Did this not happen in the end??? This is why I thought it was weird Milan were signing Aquilani as well as Montolivo! FU GARETH!
  8. meh, you stick with your scooting around small maps playing rambo like a game of laser quest with your laser bullet guns.
  9. Meh - tried Battlefield. Gameplay is horrible compared to COD. I've been playing COD since COD: United Offensive and it's still not boring. The COD engine is so much smoother than BF's and i cba with vehicles and stuff. I like to run around and blast anything that moves.... Battlefield is not a patch on COD. I'm sure the sales count will prove that too. I have MW2/BLOPS - I played them for ages. Got pretty decent at both and enjoyed them. I have also spent alot of time on WAW and COD4. They then released 4x4 map packs for 10 pounds a pop... 4 maps for 10 pounds.. you have paid 80 pounds for a game.. its a rip off. Every game is the same, you get 2/3 people camping in corners, 2/3 running and gunning and 2/3 people who dont really know what to do. The maps are small so that on each map you get 2/3 choke points which makes every game exactly the same. Everyone is out for themselves so you get a 'rambo' community.. if thats you're type of thing then cool.. You play on a host which means alot of the time, the kid who's hosting has to go and eat his dinner, so there are lots of DC's. The hit reg isn't that great (but nor is battlefield so that's a mute point). I mean how many times do you KNOW that you shot someone but when you watch kill cam, it doesnt even show you shooting your weapon.. It seems smoother than BF because it is, it has better frame-rates because its on alot smaller scale, not that BF is unplayable or anything. Yea, ALOT more people play COD than BF, but COD is alot more arcade like than BF because its quicker, because its smaller. What it doesnt mean is that it is a better game. The last 4 COD games are carbon copies of each other with different perks and kill streaks. On BF I dont really like the vehicles either, so I strap c4 to them and blow them up. The gameplay seems horrible because you're not used to having weight in anything in a game, it seems sluggish because in BF your character doesnt hover when running. Take your time, get in a half decent squad and have more fun in 5 mins then you could in 5 weeks in COD's prefabricated choke fest. And to be honest, none of the BF community likes bad company 2 that much, we're looking forward to BF3. Rev, I'm 24.
  10. get battlefield, grow up, play as team /of problems, they wont release this shit anymore.
  11. Aquilani to AC Milan maybe on.. Very strange considering they already bought Pirlos replacement in Montlivo??
  12. the best part is when you get past the tight bit.. ahem..
  13. thats cool Don. Did you get it by having Medal Of Honour? How is it?
  14. this thread has left me feeling confused and uneasy :cry:
  15. Yea, but not if you look like TUS
  16. Its not gay if you don't push back.
  17. 1. Do Anal 2. Ask for blow job 3. ????? 4. PROFIT!!
  18. Once in the stink, forget the pink.
  19. Just bought it on eBay for under £20. Coming from Malaysia so fingers crossed it'll be real etc, but that shirt is with £20 for the comedy value alone. put this on with a pair of 3/4 length trousers and a bandanna and you would instantly become a Pirate, Aaaaaarrrrrrrrr me hearties. I will definitely be doing that for football next week. Just found this site: football shirts You can get this season coming kits' for 15 quid?! is it legit? looks to be.. amazing if true, gonna get me a milan one when pay day comes round.
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