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Everything posted by bickster

  1. @Designer1Special place in my heart that HMHB song, a mate at school's dad used to own about ten chalets in WH, so we used to escape there en mass in 6th form quite often, the song was as true in the '80s as it is now
  2. I wouldn't be shocked to see him and Rory the Tory both go out both are still close to the threshold The stupid thing here is the whole process could be sorted with one ballot by Single Transferable Vote and spare the country this long drawn out parade of throbbers
  3. An Etymological Map of Africa. Some belters in there!
  4. The Density of Metal Bands across the World
  5. I believe others may have mentioned this to me, I'm not sure why
  6. haha, ended up presenting the evidence they were lacking for the trial, answering some daft questions (made sure they knew they were daft questions) and then the judge remembered she'd forgotten to swear me in
  7. Arrived at work today to be greeted with the news that I've got a driver off a spurious Private Parking Charge. Minor victories and all that but these twunts don't make it easy so even though in the grand scheme of things these things are minor it feels good.
  8. Well yes, quite, then that would indicate donations of over £500 which opens a whole new teapot of beluga caviar
  9. F*** me a twitter account from the BBC that checks facts
  10. Probs, itsjust said a medical issue
  11. Stereolab tomorrow is postponed, bugger
  12. That in itself is just wrong (and I'm no fan of James)
  13. Gerry Cinnamon is doing an Arena tour, who the actual f is Gerry Cinnamon? (please don't actually answer the question)
  14. I'm rather worried they will set something alight, kids shouldnt be allowed matches
  15. Sorry that's a peoples car, not a special peoples car. You clearly didn't get the memo and are in the wrong lane
  16. See that only works if everyone's partnered up other wise its a round per person
  17. One of those lanes is usually reserved for German luxury marques only I thought.
  18. I just recieved a rather pleasing notification on my phone that I am assuming has been accidentally truncated or is in the style of a Jeremey Rhyming-Slang Tweet. Demonic Raab has been eliminated. If only this were completely true and not just in the race to be head f***tard
  19. Electoral commission seem keen to see those loopholes shut from the article
  20. Break Up the Union, ruin the country financially and voting with the Tory Party and helping them remian an entity as that pretty much sums it up
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