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Everything posted by bickster

  1. The licence fee is not a subscription to the BBC as has been previously explained
  2. See this bit? This is how it reads to me... I don't agree with your opinion... I also suspect it's bourne of cognitive dissonance
  3. It's not unneccessary because thats the only argument I'm seeing from the anti licence fee side of the debate. I don't like it, I don't use it. Some people see the greater good for the whole of society regardless of their personal preferences, others don't want to pay for something they don't think they use, even though they do use a TV Whoever mentioned the NHS is spot on, the argument about scrapping the licence fee / privatising the BBC is usually made by the same politicians that would scrap the NHS and reduce personal taxation. They are usually from the parties of self interest So me me me me me me is exactly what is going on here
  4. Me me me me me me me me me me me me me
  5. You have the choice not to use a television too
  6. It's our national broadcaster No-one is stopping you but please pay your taxes on the TV you are using
  7. You aren't paying for a service for the umpteenth time, you are paying a tax on your TV
  8. How am I reaching out? To use a fishing rod, you need a rod licence. To use a TV you need a TV Licence. First country I thought of btw without a National Broadcaster. USA, that is what TV would become. hell no! they all crave the BBC on their subscription services
  9. It's nothing to do with trust and whether you watch the BBC or not.
  10. You already have that choice. Don't use a TV
  11. Your council tax isn't collected by the government either
  12. Our national broadcaster, it does many many things you probably haven't thought of. It shapes our cultural identity in many ways You listen to music? Just imagine what a state our music industry would be in without the BBC. The exposure artistes get through the BBC, paying for BBC exclusive sessions across an number of platforms. Concerts and other events across many platforms too. There is hardly a band since the 60's that hasn't got to where it is today (or whenever their day was) without the help that the BBC provides. It doesn't matter whether you listen to them on the BBC or not, you will be aware of them. Without the BBC there is less chance of that happening (Much Less) And thats just one small example of the impact the BBC has and what it does
  13. No, it isn't. You have picked a small section of what it is. The entertainment service is the park in my council tax analogy
  14. That's ok, don't have a telly then. it's a tax on your telly ownership but unlike most taxes in the UK the money goes into a very specific pot to provide a very specific service. You don't use it, that's pretty much your problem not the rest of the country's
  15. The idea that "I only do this", "I only use that" on the BBC is completely stupid, it's a national broadcaster not a commercial enterprise, it is there to be something for everyone It's a bit like saying I'm not paying my council tax becuase I never use the local park so I shouldn't have to pay for that bit of my tax
  16. You do not get a much wider service than the BBC with any subscription channel, simply not true nor would it ever be I have subscriptions for both Netflix and Amazon and struggle to find anything to watch most of the time, they both have a very narrow US orientated content list. Even the UK programmes they do show are very narrow in scope and fit into certain categories. You compare it to Sky which I think is about £25 a month minimum then the Licence fee at £12.83 a month is incredible value considering what you get for it. And you'd be getting more if the Tory Govt hadn't made the BBC cut back some of it's services for "competition reasons"
  17. Because its not a subscription service, it's our national broadcaster. Without the licence fee it would collapse. Successive governments would cut it's funding to the point of extinction, thats not just TV thats radio too. For what we pay for the BBC and what we can potentially get out of it it represents huge value for money compared to the subscription or paid for by advertising models. Really the BBC just needs to sort it's political bias out
  18. Depends on your accent I guess. My family all pronounce it HiRR-wine. Or Her Win in English
  19. Yep, my family are all from Hirwaun. You'll have been going down Glyn Neath Bank, through the Neath Valley
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