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Everything posted by Adbo9

  1. Barry Bannan, Viktor Fischer and Harry Wilson Heard it here first !
  2. Agent Villa Looks like he should be on the register
  3. As for transfers As per the villa way we will end up with players non of us have even mentioned............... I think Smith will try and go for what his first choices last season were I know he wanted Barry Bannan last summer but Sheff Wed wouldnt play ball.............
  4. Anyone remember mad JulieB ??? **** Psyco back in the day - I never ever get ITK but one occasion I did, and I share it with JulieB - and she went mental on me privately - she kept sending me messages demanding I admit that I was Paul Lambert, and if I didnt go round her house to give her a seeing too she would out me in public ............ then she went all god squad on me and told me the lord was gonna strike me down !!
  5. Yeah, id say his 122 appearances over 4 seasons, his 45 international caps playing for a team who have been better than Villa the last few years make him a better bet than Lansbury who couldnt get a kick in the championship and then neither in prem either ! If you think Hendrick wouldnt be as valuable to us as Lansbury then I cant really help you mate
  6. hasnt had the chance cos he aint good enough to get even a run off the bench
  7. Im all for peoples opinions, but same as you, to say Lansbury is a better option than Hendrick just baffles me totally
  8. Lansbury the man who has hardly kicked a ball for 3 seasons.??
  9. Good shout ! be a decent squad player for us ................ on a free as well I think Id do the same with Ryan Fraser two solid additions for me
  10. The issue with Samatta, apart from being absolute shite, is his head is way too big for his body - it looks like its weighing him down and hes about to topple over !! Should have been an extra in Willow not a footballer
  11. I bet Club Brugges are pissed off Jesus has had the bullett either way, this summer its Bellotti, Coutinho, Jordan Sancho, Witsel, Koulibaly and Barry Bannan or ill never watch us again
  12. I must admit Im not overly enamoured on Smith and ROK and wasnt when they got the job.............. his career is littered with great runs of form sandwiched between massive runs of poor form........... for me you cant set a team up in this way and have longevity, especially at a big club All that said, hes come in, took us up, got us to losing finalists in the league cup and then kept us up which was his only job and I dont think we could have asked any more from him - so for me, would be extremely harsh to sack him............ and he deserves the chance to bring in 3/4 top quality players to push us on........
  13. Adbo9

    Ezri Konsa

    A no10 replacement for Jack?? That's where we need to be really ambitious for me........ not sure how realistic we can be, so two ways of doing it......... Go big time in for an unsettled big name, eg: Eriksen at Inter and see if a fat wage packet could tempt him, or go the other way and try for someone like Eze at QPR Who Know? Then also the no9 has to be ambitious as well............ proven goalscorer
  14. If we stay and watford go, id look at getting Deuleofou or however its spelt......... always liked him Centre Forward - thats the hard one.......... need to get it right
  15. Adbo9

    Ezri Konsa

    personally I like Delofoue or whateve his name is at watford Also Ryan Fraser who I think is clubless no9 is the big one for me............... christ knows who we could get
  16. Who comes in if we stayup to play alongside him and McGinn to replace Jack? Big Summer if we stay in the prem
  17. Adbo9

    Ezri Konsa

    If we stayup........ after eating my slice of that humble flavoured pie; i think everyone is in aggreeance that we need to be signing the quality in the final 3rd that will make the difference so were not in this position again Who those players are? Anyone guess But I personally think we need the entire front 4 upgraded, thats if Jack is off as expected........ A new no10, a quality no9 and two first choice wide strikers/wingers Any suggestions welcome, but I reckon Bale, Coutinho, Lewandowski and Ronaldo
  18. If we stay up we should sign Harry Kane, Gareth Bale, Coutinho and Keith Gillespie
  19. If come sunday evening weve done what none of us were expecting and were a premier league team for next season then: 1: Ill be amazed and eating a huge slice of humble pie 2: We need to spend massively on 4/5 quality players to ensure this doesnt happen again
  20. Smith has said on more than one occasion noone comes in without his final say so.............. If you think smith had nowt to do with it, and subsequently none of this is his fault then you my friend need your head read If it goes down the way you say, and smith cant be blamed as he has no say, then it doesnt work both ways and the promotion last season was all down to Suso and in absolutely no way can we lavish praise on Smith for it
  21. Adbo9

    Keinan Davis

    I can see what he offers, but lets face it, the walsall fans wouldnt get excited if he signed for them........... I heard someone say other day, hes like Heskey.............. my response was, which Heskey? cos it certainly isnt the 80 cap england no9 thats won nearly everthing there is to win in the country for some of the biggest clubs possible.............. I wished he was even a modicum of Heskey
  22. personally, i think Smith needs to answer serious questions Hes spent like £70M odd on defenders only to turn us into the worst defensive side in the division He spent £30M on strikers only to have a strikeforce as potent as a wet fart........ Also, hes spend in fees and wages astronomical amounts on Goalkeepers and im not sure hes any clue who he should play. Bought an international no1 for mega money and played him twice, spend massive amounts and a big contract on an injury prone Heaton that Burnley didnt want anymore and massive loan wages on Reina who hes stuck on the bench for most part............ In a nutshell, an amazing 10 game run last season - apart from that ! **** Idiot
  23. his head is too big for his body and he constantly looks like he gonna topple over............. Also if he didn't play like he's got his left foot stuck in his right pocket he'd stand a chance
  24. Taking who the manager is going to be out of it; I can foresee us being relatively strong in the championship next season I think we will lose Douglas Luiz, Grealish and Mings adn Trezeguet....... got a feeling the injury and his flakey form since his comeback will stop clubs paying what we would want to move McGinn on, so my gut says he will remain with us.............. Goalkeepers: Heaton and Steer, although injury prone are as good as anything in there Rightbacks: Elmo and Guilbert, again as good as anything in the league Leftbacks: Targett and Taylor - See abovr Center Halves: Konsa, Hause and Engels......... think we will struggle to improve on those Midfield: McGinn, Hourihane, Lansbury, Nakamba......... think we will need to add at least one more addition to this probably two.......... Wide: Jota, El Ghazi: Personally think they will be good performers in the championship as proven........ probably need to add at least one more option to those two Forwards: Wesley, Samatta, Davis............... Definitely needs work here - I think only Weslet has the potential to be the man to fire us back up, but unproven and weve no idea how he will come back from injury - so One may be two additions needed I make that 4/5 Players max......... and id assume wed prob get close to getting our £130M spend from last summer back on the 4 players I foresee us losing.... Question is who to sign? For me we need some proven championship quality who arent out of place in the prem should we gain promotion at first time of asking, even if they become squad players once we are up................. Personally id go for: Midfielder Options: Joe Allen from Stoke, Eze from QPR, Luke Freeman from Sheff Utd, Harry Arter from Bournemouth, Barry Bannan, Wide Options: Paul Ritchie from Newcastle, Ryan Fraser is up for a year in Championship, Striker Options: Dwight Gayle from Toon, Andre Gray from Watford, Jordan Hugill from Wet Spam, Benik Afobe from Stoke; Toney from Peterbrough, Granted probably far better options overseas that I know nothing about, but I feel we need players to hit the ground running immediately and get us straight back up, even if its loan players
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