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Everything posted by Tegis

  1. Tegis

    GTA 5

    you won't miss out on anything, it's all self contained
  2. Tegis

    GTA 5

    Right. I havnt played GTA since the first one in THE 90s. Everybody seems to be up in arms over this release. Shall I come out from my gaming hibernation? The last game I played properly was Far Cry. Will I miss out on some kind of storyline from the previous ones? HELP grandad out here
  3. 37 Not British probably might taint the result
  4. I find it hard to believe Nissan would allow anything but their own stuff in the system. If that's the price, buy tomtom or navigon apps for her smartphone if she has one. UK tomtom for iphone is 40 quid I think, western europe is 55
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_91A9FzxQ78
  6. Tegis

    General Chat

    Private or council? The Swedish equivalent of council I guess. I missed the huge no parking/stopping sign. No way for me out of this one.
  7. In real world terms, I can confirm that the Snapdragon 800 chipset is blooming fast. It renders websites at Core I7 laptop speeds. It's bloody amazing. Those of you who are about to upgrade, pick a phone that has it. Nexus 5 for example
  8. Salvage underway, expected to be upright within 10 hours. Live feed
  9. Tegis

    Few issues

    I saw yesterday that a like didnt show until I refreshed the page. It was on FF running windows
  10. It's been fun Off to bed. Good luck Stefan
  11. Well well. Both teams need to pick it up a bit in the second half. Way too sloppy and indecisive. Drops galore
  12. Good drive now please. Its been pretty crappy so far
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