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Everything posted by Awol

  1. I genuinely think she’s ill. Hopefully after this election she’ll get the once over and (inshallah) the all clear from a doctor. Then it’ll be fair game again to mock her general bovine stupidity.
  2. No, it broke politics, or rather exposed the majority of it as a sham. Uncertainty is now affecting the economy for sure, but Brexit hasn’t broken the country at all.
  3. My bold: Of course you did. Imagine reading that litany of Jezza’s good deeds and then going “yep, that’s my guy.”
  4. It’s funny on the surface, but given the slow and obvious deterioration of her mental capacity in recent times (from a low base, granted), she may be in the early stages of a serious degenerative illness. No-one who puts odd shoes on the wrong feet should be in a serious position of power, but she could be Home Secretary and overseeing MI5 by the weekend. Terrifying.
  5. It’s a straight SNP - Lib Dem fight here in NE Fife, better Remainer unionists than Remainer separatists.
  6. There are Islamophobes in the Tory party, for sure. Is it institutional? Has Johnson shared platforms with people calling for the genocide of all Muslims? Called such people his “friends”? No, not even close, so whataboutery isn’t really valid on this occasion. I’m voting Lib Dem’ b/c the SNP. Gross, but at least I’ll still be able to look my Jewish friends in the face.
  7. If the EHRC were investigating the Tories for Islamophobia, as they’re investigating Labour for institutional anti-Semitism, you’d have an unanswerable argument. But they’re not.
  8. Today’s the day. Get out there, “hold your nose,” and vote anti-Semite for a better, fairer Britain!
  9. Sounded like an honest, unguarded appraisal of Corbyn to me. Shameful that he holds that opinion but tries to get Corbyn elected anyway - while wanging on about honesty in politics.
  10. The Ashworth tape is astonishing. If Labour win the “No.10 machine (civil servants) will have to move quickly to safeguard national security”. That from a Labour front-bencher.
  11. I think Wes was one of Suso’s calls, suspect Dean would’ve gone for Maupay given the choice. Pity that's not what happened.
  12. This whole “let’s not bother playing our strongest defence” approach is a bit rubbish.
  13. Never seen him play and wiki had him down as a midfielder, but wide forward makes more sense. Just read Deano’s latest on Wes (Villareport) and he’s pretty clear we don’t want another striker in Jan’ - his main criticism is of the defence.
  14. I just can’t imagine us dropping £35M+ on a midfielder in Jan when we need another striker so badly. Wes gets injured and we’re goosed at the moment. Even if he stays fit we need another option there more than any other position.
  15. “Breaking News..” lol. Not a big Macron fan but fair play to him for calling out Erdogan. Turkish intelligence has been up to its nuts in ISIS from the beginning.
  16. Has Nakamba done a ‘Lee Hendrie’ to one of Deano’s relatives? Shame about el Ghazi and Guilbert, but a good point.
  17. Shouldn't underestimate them, but we've given the 'big' teams a bit too much respect imo, been psychologically intimidated and lost as a result. It's still just 11 blokes with 60K very quiet supporters. Get at them early and they'll all get nervy.
  18. Villa win. McGinn is due a blinder and I reckon he might have it today.
  19. Of course it's not. Ethics are performance art in the UK.
  20. Can't win? It's pretty simple: we'll no longer allow live animals to be hung upside down and have their throats slashed then bled to death. Doesn't seem all that unreasonable to me. If hunting a few 100 foxes with dogs is morally offensive (which it is) I don't know how anyone justifies halal slaughter.
  21. I don't think Johnson reached his decision on the merits of the argument, but out of its utility to his career. That seems like a pretty fair analysis, but as you say if he does win and take us out of the EU then that makes him a Leaver by definition.
  22. Fair enough. If we're talking about the small group of people who control or exert strong influence over the levers of power in UK, how should we describe them as a group? PS. You can't have, 'The Tories'
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