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Everything posted by Awol

  1. Awol

    U.S. Politics

    Looking at the runners and riders I can’t pick out one who is likely to beat him. The Democrats failure to produce a stellar candidate after 3 years of Trumps shows they’re as intellectually bankrupt as the Republicans.
  2. Awol

    U.S. Politics

    Pretty much Hilary Clinton’s take before 2016, and she still doesn’t understand why Trump won.
  3. There’s currently no majority for indyref2 in Scotland. Given a majority oppose it, why would Johnson saying no change their minds?
  4. Aggressive fishwife. The type you’d slowly edge away from at the bus-stop, as she stood cursing at no-one in particular.
  5. K Philips was supposed to be that player. Marvellous was (I think) the 3rd choice .
  6. When we're on Sky I try to find a slow stream in Arabic.
  7. Is the stadium on fire or is it my screen? (nice goal Wes)
  8. When your chief scout is called Jesus he’s obviously gonna be a sucker for a sob story.
  9. Yep, I thought he was finished. Great servant for us.
  10. Remember Ian Wright raving about what a player he was going to be... Kodja for defo against Southampton.
  11. Taylor is the footballing equivalent of an Austin Maestro.
  12. More energy, more desire, more technical ability. Not what you want to write about Liverpool’s boot boys.
  13. Emily Thornberry now taking Caroline Flint to court for defamation. Allegedly Thornberry remarked to a colleague holding a Leave seat that she was glad ‘my voters aren’t as stupid as yours’. Flint repeated the story on Sky News yesterday and refuses to withdraw. Post-election reflection process clearly going well...
  14. Bickster labelled as a Daily Mail reader.. I’m off to church, the end-times are coming.
  15. Sheffield always was always a tough game. 9 pts from the next 12 is doable and would put us right back on track to finish a few points clear of bottom 3. Not sure the constant rotation through midfield is helping much, though.
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