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Everything posted by Awol

  1. From the hints being dropped on here I’d guess Villa’s RSVP cut off is in the next 48-72hrs. Sliding doors time for Mr Milot.
  2. Any thoughts on Mario Götze as a quality CM for the squad? World Cup winner, just turned 28 and a goal or assist every other game for 230 games in the Bundesliga. 12 goals and 17 assists in 60+ CL games too. Not sure why he left Dortmund but on a free it seems a decent option - unless Bundesliga watchers know different?
  3. Can’t move for them where I live, might have to buy the full away kit to wear down the pub if we get him.
  4. I’m just along the ride and don’t understand all the fan frustration, tbh. This looks likely to be our best window in over a decade, enjoy it!
  5. In full meltdown already. They don’t seem to think we’re very good.
  6. A fully fit McGinn is a pillar of the team, it would take a very special player to push him onto the bench.
  7. Fair, but he’s also done it in the French National set up too. 11 in 6 for their under 21’s. He’s a goal machine.
  8. Not this year, our rich uncles are in town.
  9. Even so, Edouard, Rashica.. it’s beginning to feel a bit like Christmas..
  10. All about the local sources, especially those with an interest in maintaining their credibility. He’s been accurately calling a few of the bigger moves for Kosovan players this window but has gone quiet on Rashica. Quite possible he’s been told to if things are at a ‘delicate’ stage.
  11. Nah, this is on. Break out the YouTube vids and start getting excited.
  12. Just in case there was any doubt about that Kosovan Football Twitter account, Rashica follows it himself. Unlikely it’s posting nonsense about him.
  13. Mustn’t be closed. Ashley Preece is writing a summary of every 10 new pages and releasing it as his copy on Birmingham Live. We’re keeping food on his family’s table here.
  14. Pound shop Weston McKennie and more of a plan C or D for any DCM recruitment.
  15. One thing about this guy is strange, if he’s as good as he clearly thinks he is and available for only €25M, why is Leipzig the only CL qualified team considering him? Rashica might want the glamour of a CL run, but for week in week out quality of opposition the Prem’ is as good as it gets. On a professional level he shouldn’t need to think too hard about coming to us, if that’s indeed what motivates him.
  16. You’d hope so, yes. Whatever the alternatives are I hope they’re of similar quality. I’d be (pleasantly) surprised to see this one happen now.
  17. Not the only time last season he threw his hand in, then there was head-butting Mings after being gripped for terrible defending - & somehow not being sent off. He’s no worse than Trez in terms of ability but his attitude stinks, imo. I’d be happy to see the back of him ASAP.
  18. Massive step forward but we need a RW/RF, and Watkins would come in as a striker (unless we got Edouard or A.N. Other too). I’d bin Cash at 15M and take Buendia for 20M. Then we’d be cooking on gas next season - I’d also really like Rico Henry or Sessegnon at LB, but greed/FFP.
  19. Agreed, would add he picks a pass like a shire horse.
  20. Definitely the consensus, but he’s been so insistent on this issue you can’t help but wonder if there’s some truth in it.
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