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Everything posted by YLN

  1. Excuse my stupidity, but why aren't Spurs playing Champs League qualifying round this week?
  2. YLN

    General Chat

    More worrying 2 of my younger cousins have 3 kids between them Are they Birmingham City fans?
  3. gold is truly living in imaginary land with this Beckham thing. Swap Hollywood for lining out for West Ham against Blackpool? No thanks
  4. YLN

    General Chat

    You've been posting a good bit though, so that's that theory out the window. Must be something else
  5. YLN

    General Chat

    Off Topic sucks at the moment
  6. YLN

    FIFA 10

    How do the private leagues work? Is there a VT one? If not, why not?
  7. YLN

    General Chat

    Just lost to a 12 year old Birmingham City fan on FIFA :oops:
  8. YLN

    General Chat

    and to be even more authentic don;t forget Łódź is pronounced - wuch I thought it was more of a 'woodge', but you pucker your lips as you say it. Very strange place is Łódź. If there was ever a place where the dogs miaowed and the cats barked, it would be Łódź.
  9. Oh right.... well that's very good then. My humblest apologies :oops: I figured they might have been players, but I didn't think you'd be taller than them.... Sorry to belittle the blurriness of the picture edit: TSV
  10. Weight has very little to do with weighing scales
  11. Lombardo are you for real with the picture. Aside from its size, you can't make out shit in it. The black people don't have faces, whereas you're just a white smiley dark blur in a jacket. What's the point?
  12. YLN

    General Chat

    Acquire it online I say
  13. YLN

    General Chat

    Small.... Far away. "Near.... far away"? dear oh dear
  14. YLN

    General Chat

    Consider the mosquitos
  15. Great post! Especially re Ash and Gabby, in fact I'd be mortified if Gabby went he may not be the greatest striker we've ever had but he's good and getting better and more importantly he's one of us! Mortfied?
  16. YLN

    General Chat

    I went to a zoo in Spain. Terrible place, but they had a great chimp. He used to knock on the window anytime someone passed by with a feeding bucket. He put on a show for everyone who watched him. He passed me out a blade of plant through a gap when the window met the wall of his house. When I pushed it back into him he took terrible offence and started sulking. Looking back and then looking away again in disgust as if he was throwing his eyes up to heaven. I came back to him later again and he and his friend were sitting together. When I arrived one of them looked up. I waved and he alerted his friend. Then when I started moving my head from side to side, I got a simulataneous face palm from both chimps. 22 years old and I got a huge kick out of it. So sad though. The bear just walked around his cage. Same with the tiger, pacing the same ten yards over and over like he was demented. Horrible place. The chimp looked miserable aswell really. The saddest eyes I've ever seen.
  17. YLN

    Off to South Korea

    What age are you Wainey? Why is South Korea the choice of destination for all of y'all?
  18. YLN

    Off to South Korea

    oh shut up you dick.. you really are boring aren't you? I love aggro
  19. YLN

    General Chat

    Reading books etc? Sounds like easy money
  20. YLN

    General Chat

    Yeah but we get so much sun here in Ireland they'll end up paying for themselves
  21. YLN

    General Chat

    get to spain and find a looky looky man surely? I'm looking for a genuine pair though. The ones that polarise the light and that sort of thing. In other news, the TV license man has started to really get on my back now. He's been ringing all day. And now has finally gotten into the building (let in by someone else) and is knocking on my actual door. He can keep knocking. clearing in the woods
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