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Everything posted by YLN

  1. Have the groups changed? Are England now in Group E? Nice little dig at England though. How do you expect Ireland to get on?
  2. YLN

    General Chat

    Going from 30MB broadband to 3MB broadband is bad for the soul
  3. YLN

    General Chat

    No you just bought some pizzas. Probably too many pizzas. Like when people say Hummus is orgasmic or something similarly popular to say. What does that even mean anyway, I am so win? It is an attempt at irony. The irony being that it is a little sad that I got so excited. Also it is an internet 'youth' type phrase, and I am certainly not youthful. It could be said that I am using an internet 'youth' type phrase to impress the youth, which, given my age would also be quite sad. Layer upon layer of smug, yet self loathing irony. I'm good at that. Anyway, I have eaten one, the rest in the freezer. Suspect they may come out sometime during the world cup. Ah I see. I underestimated your jadedness. My apologies. In my news, I've just returned to Galway. From living in the centre of Dublin city considering BBQs on the roof, going for pints and taking care of business, I'm now going to spend a week or two in a chair watching TV and vegetating. **** hate it. Family time is nice, but why can't we have it in Dublin where we can actually function outside the living room. I'll be babysitting and being driven absolutely mental. The worst thing is that the house has been totally revamped. A hundred thousand spent on it, in the hope that i'll come home more often, but I've no interest in the house. It's like I'm just clocking in. It's limbo out here. Anytime there are pints on the cards here, the 10 year old won't get in so I'm stuck babysitting. It's like I'm institutionalised out here. My 3 German couchsurfers left. 3 nights of them. We went out one night. Pretty good night. The Auld Dubliner for a pint and live music. They organised to meet some other couchsurfers. We were expected to go to their house for a party, but I managed to convince them that it wasn't a great idea. So they said they were coming into town. My alarm bells were ringing when they said they were intending to maybe have the party all night. They were taking too long to arrive, so I got a second pint. The Germans shared a pint :|. The other CSers arrived 20 mins later, but I had only half my pint drunk. I said hello to them all. Started talking to one of them because he was from a place I lived in France. Then one of them comes up. A **** Brazilian with massive arms, but 5ft 6. He says to me in a way that was also to everyone else in the group, "I know you're glad you made friends with this guy, but hurry up at finishing your pint because you're too slow and we're going to another bar". I went **** spare. They were 30 mins late arriving. Crowd of absolute weirdos when they arrived too. I was absolutely seething. The rest of the night was pretty good though. Myself and the Germans just spent the rest of the evening taking the piss out of the Brazilians. And then the Brazilians **** off and I headed home and had a foursome with the Germans which was awesome. And that concludes our broadcast day
  4. YLN

    General Chat

    No you just bought some pizzas. Probably too many pizzas. Like when people say Hummus is orgasmic or something similarly popular to say.
  5. YLN

    General Chat

    I don't know what you guys are talking about. I meant after I had finished browsing the site in its entirety, such was my apparent sick curiosity for the weirdness of the internet and all it holds, then I felt bad that I had actually given it any time, it being so twisted. Pleasuring myself to the sight of still born babies? I mean really, does that sound plausible? You guys don't know me at all
  6. YLN

    General Chat

    What do you mean? :oops: :oops:
  7. YLN

    General Chat

    National Express I didn't catch that link at all Feck it
  8. YLN

    General Chat

    That site made me feel terrible. You know - after I was done...
  9. Looking forward to seeing Hitz back. Hope he gets a great reception
  10. YLN

    General Chat

    Just booked tickets for The Divine Comedy in Galway for the Arts Festival. Really can't wait. Probably the most excited I've been about a concert since a QOTSA gig in Nantes March 2008
  11. YLN

    General Chat

    ^ghey Funny Paddy Power
  12. Rio Ferdinand: So Doctor is the knee looking any better after the second scan? Doctor: Go Back to Africa. Rio Ferdinand: Fantastic! The knee is going to be okay then? Doctor: No.
  13. YLN

    General Chat

    My father is going out with a 37 year old woman since he was 60. Anyone think that he's heard of the rule and chose the girl accordingly? Edit: That is phrased very badly. She also ages. He started going out with her when he was 60 and she was 37.
  14. YLN

    General Chat

    So tomorrow 3 German girls arrive into Dublin looking for a place to stay. I duly offered via CouchSurfing and so they'll be staying with me. One of them is quite pretty. One is certainly passable, and the other girl I haven't seen. They tell me they like to party. I'm assuming that means that they like having foursomes with pasty Irish guys Tomorrow evening they arrive. Should be interesting
  15. VP Craven Cottage Whaddon Road (Had to look that up) Maine Road Highfield Road
  16. YLN

    General Chat

    Hey! Not everyone that plays WoW is a loner. True. They usually have wizard pals that they meet up with in forests and roleplay with. 720 or so pages says differently. I'm always tempted, but I like functioning even on the base level I do now. Tomorrow I'm going to shop for clothes. My underwear is ripped somehow. Certainly not from any sort of throes of passion unfortunately
  17. Cuzees. I got my first one from my SC friend last month. Used it the last night we were drinkin. Got a bit of stick for it
  18. YLN

    General Chat

    What about the £450 teddy?
  19. YLN

    General Chat

    Just won the World Cup with Ireland there on FIFA in create a tournament. That's €45 saved
  20. YLN

    General Chat

    Jesus lads. It's like a sauna in here
  21. Super catchy. It's getting a repeat on my iTunes
  22. Probably one of those original Cadburys like Mint Crisp or Golden Crisp or Whole Nut. I like the big bar of fruit and nut you can get in Lidl.
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