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Everything posted by Spoony

  1. Don’t appreciate this attitude. Parsnips are a tier one vegetable done correctly.
  2. This is so enraging. Win the hardest games then fluff the easiest away from home.
  3. Getting quite tired of how useless we are away and in the cups. These games are ridiculous. How can it be so different to our home league form???
  4. I tried to make the same point but you have worded it better. These are my thoughts exactly.
  5. I think you’re all overplaying getting 4th tbh. We don’t get it and then simply crack into the big boys forever. So long as we have Emery then sure we could be up there for a while but for a club like ours it wouldn’t take much to come crashing back down. We can’t simply Chelsea or Man City it like back in the day. See: many of the teams that have finished top four and gone onto nothing (most recent examples being Newcastle and Leicester but then you can look back at Leeds and Blackburn etc.) I personally rank top 4 against cup win in terms of enjoyment. Champions league would be incredibly fun…but Ive never seen Villa lift a trophy. I want that more than anything.
  6. There’s something about it though. Like we can play a tiny English team in the FA Cup and the players would be more up for it and the game a bit more meaningful. All these ECL games feel a bit like a pre-season tour.
  7. This must be the most woeful competition we’ve competed in in my memory. Even inter-toto games were more entertaining. Still this is a means to an end (the end being better European football).
  8. Tbh we’d be lucky to have Solanke willing to sit on the bench. Which perfectly highlights the issue you’re flagging and which I agree is a problem. Someone almost as good as Watkins would probably be happy enough on City’s bench, but Villa? Just being “quite good sometimes I guess” would be the most we could hope for.
  9. Do they have the most annoying fan base? The competition is ripe these days but they are right up there.
  10. Well they’ve underestimated Forest, Bournemouth and everyone we have played in the conference. I’m way more confident of Villa against a big six team.
  11. I felt deep down we would beat Arsenal and City. I’m weirdly less confident about the lower teams. They won’t underestimate us (but we will underestimate them) and our players all seem to be characters who favour a big challenge
  12. I obviously don’t think it’s possible but I never believed I would see the words “Villa” and “title” genuinely and realistically in the same sentence. Reading all this stuff about Villa barely seems real.
  13. Spoony

    Matty Cash

    I love Cashy but his future is def off the bench if he can be satisfied with that. RB has been the glaring weak spot in our side for a while now.
  14. God I hate Arsenal. Are they the worst of the lot in terms of fans? I think they might be. This ridiculous blaming of the ref and VAR is hilarious. The ref spotted a handball in the build up to the goal and it was great refereeing. VAR just confirmed it. And then Arteta comes out with all this clear and obvious shit. Yes, if it’s clear and obvious that it’s wrong then you change it. Well, it wasn’t wrong and even if you want to try and argue it is then it isn’t clear and obvious.
  15. I will not accept the criticism that The Donk gets on here. He puts in a shift every single time we need him to.
  16. Don’t get the hate for Donk. He usually does fine
  17. Hes going to have to have the game of his life here. And that’s a high bar for him
  18. Hmm I’ll defend the ref here in that a lot of those yellows were for intentionally stopping attacks. Professional fouls essentially.
  19. He’s such a prick as well. So rude and condescending to interviewers and that just speaks to his personality and arrogance.
  20. So conflicted. I hate both Klopp and Hodgson but I guess for Villa I want a Palace win
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