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Everything posted by stewiek2

  1. Is their owner mates with Boehly?! Seem's to be a cock fight over who can sign as many players as possible each transfer window.
  2. If Liverpool sell Salah and want to bring in a nippy winger/front man, Bertie is their's for £175m
  3. Dharmesh and Kavi, the "It's our understanding" chuckle brothers.
  4. Watching in the Trinity, I can tell once up to speed with the physical side Pau Torres is going to be one of the bargains of this transfer window. He puts most midfielders to shame with his passing, Beckenbauresque.
  5. stewiek2


    If it was the noses they'd put that £53m towards paying the £99m government loan they took out.
  6. If Brian Little hadn't moved him into a back three defender he'd had stayed a nobody Mark Kinsella type midfielder. The prick is so ungrateful to the club that truly transformed him into an international player.
  7. Couldn't get a look in when on fire on loan at Palace. Starts for Chelsea and puts in turgid performances and get's picked regularly by the utter turd of a manager.
  8. Exactly. It's also why England struggles to find anyone who can consistently score apart from Kane. What was he ever going to learn from picking Kane for the Malta game? Bit part roles for other strikers is stifling their development of being a striker for England.
  9. Can't wait for Meatball to put on a masterclass against that fraud Conkface's pick of the usual band of failures.
  10. Southgate strikes again. Utter bellend
  11. Southgate strikes again. Utter bellend
  12. stewiek2

    Ezri Konsa

    Southgate strikes again. Utter bellend
  13. I wouldn't want an option to buy from Daniel Levy. I shudder to think how much he'd want for the lad.
  14. Nah, in Don Unai we trust. Zaniolo and Diaby to tear their defence a new arse.
  15. Why aren't the ref's doing something about Howe AND Tindell standing in their technical area!? The new rules clearly state only ONE person can stand there yet in every bloody game so far they're both their and not pulled up on it at all.
  16. I've not seen an arse turn like that from a player since King Kenny played.
  17. It's Monchi time. You can feel it. That wow signing.
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