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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. 15 miles. Not what I'd count as very close.
  2. No, but there were last Sunday when he did it.
  3. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Or enough of them see the benefit in the articles stating that he can't hold office again. It's not difficult to see certain benefits for an ambitious Republican senator in Trump being prevented from a 2024 run.
  4. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    There is absolutely going to be a Seth Rogen / James Franco film in 2023 about the comic pratfalls involved in the stealing of, and attempted disposal of that laptop.
  5. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    He has, but not removed as a result. There is a wording in the articles of impeachment preventing the person from running for office again if convicted by both houses, which they didn't use last time. And he wasn't convicted last time, so it wouldn't have applied had they used the necessary wording.
  6. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Sympathy for those who were taken in by it I guess...
  7. Absolutely. Numbers of this magnitude exist for no reason other than a tiny man is so desperate for people to like him that he couldn't emotionally deal with newspaper headlines about him cancelling their Christmas.
  8. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    I've liked this post just to ruin your "20,000" likes and make it messy again. You're welcome.
  9. Never has a bunch of less qualified people had to deal with any adversity is probably a better way to put it.
  10. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    You'd think that "people who don't realise that Twitter revolution and actual revolution have different real-life consequences" is going to provide entertainment for weeks.
  11. The health care people I know are still struggling to spend all of the last load. Wouldn't want their cup to run over.
  12. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Probably feels like quite a long journey for Zuckerberg from that site that he set up to rate the attractiveness of girls on campus.
  13. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    It fails the same logic test that the 9/11 conspiracies fail. This is a country that failed to successfully cover up an extra-marital blow job in a room which contained nobody but the two participants. A national plan that requires thousands of people, many of them low-paid workers in Republican-heavy areas, and nobody thought to document it on their smartphone and sell the evidence to the press for millions and set themselves up for life? Sure.
  14. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Is it this sort of thing that will be revealed? Trump's lawyer asking to be allowed to withdraw his services, as Trump has been "using his services to perpetrate a crime"
  15. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    While dozens of his supporters hung around outside in Parliament Square abusing MPs and rigging up mock gallows. The only difference between Johnson pricks and Trump pricks is that the Trump ones are more likely to have a gun on them.
  16. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Obviously it's pretty embarrassing for them as a country that this is worth posting, rather than a bit of normal administrative business.
  17. Reminder: those scumbags are no different to our scumbags. It's just that baseball caps aren't as popular here.
  18. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Just the two explosive devices left inside that they've disarmed so far.
  19. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    It's probably also important context that they only then came in in a big load at the end because the Republican legislature in those states refused to allow them to start counting early.
  20. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Reckon I've now watched it two dozen times. It hasn't stopped being funny yet.
  21. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    To keep the 90s music theme going...
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