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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. I imagine that (assuming things now follow the script) that Trump will leave something as dignified and magnanimous as George Bush left for Bill Clinton in 1993.
  2. I'm still expecting Ralph Nader to pop up from somewhere and lose it for Biden.
  3. Would it be hugely surprising to learn that the Republican legislature in the relevant states refused requests to let them do so?
  4. That weird bit of Nebraska. And I don't believe that Arizona is technically confirmed yet. Edit- as said in near identifical fashion above.
  5. *Beep* You have reached VT's angry politics obsessives. Nobody is available to take your call right now, but we'll be sure to call you back when things stop being on fire. *Beep*
  6. With apologies for contributing to this thread mainly just being endless semi-amusing Twitter-takes...
  7. Am I right that it's now more or less impossible to have the could-not-be-more-2020 scenario of the 269-269 tie?
  8. No, if I thought that then I probably would have said that. I said that "the Qanon crap, the conspiracy theories" are likely to spiral even further out of control if he loses.
  9. Hmm. I'd say that those things are likely to spiral even further out of control if he loses.
  10. Good call. 70k Trump lead and an inevitable 200-300k Biden votes likely to land from Wayne County. Apparently.
  11. "Anyone know how we could track down a photo of that West guy?"
  12. Erm. I'm now worried that my three-hours-sleep brain has seen WI as MI somewhere.
  13. Biden now leading in Michigan as well. Shall we just give Trump what he wants and stop the counting now? Edit - or maybe not.
  14. Sure, but that doesn't diminish @Awol's point. If they have him leading by an average of 7-8 points and he wins by less than 1%, that still shows a massive flaw somewhere in how they are calculating things.
  15. Biden now leading (narrowly) in Wisconsin. Edit - now jumped to a 20k lead.
  16. Feels very much like we're back to 10pm yesterday!
  17. Think he's one of those joke candidates who just stick their name on the ballot for a laugh.
  18. Silly Americans. Everyone knows that a sensibly run election should look like this.
  19. No, definitely not. But those gains come from votes in states, some of which were very close last time. IIRC, two states Trump won were by less than 1% - so if it's 2% and the rest of that average is elsewhere, you've still lost that state. Obviously it doesn't help if you're turning a 20 point deficit into a 15 point deficit (hello Lib Dems), but the thing about fine margins is that it doesn't take much to overturn them.
  20. Yet, of the 220 counties (across 14 states) that have at least 95% completed reporting, Biden's up by around four points compared to 2016. Which would probably be enough for a relatively comfortably victory overall.
  21. That would be logical, but not necessarily. Different states count in different ways - Alaska (not that it will be the difference there) aren't starting their postal vote count until November 10th.
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