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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    The imbecile's choice of intellectual, Douglas Murray on the money back in November.
  2. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Looks like Jamiroquai's album launch party has got a little out of hand. (shamelessly stolen from Twitter, but just didn't want to post the same picture twice)
  3. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    For everyone but a load of ballsacks trying to engineer a coup in Washington, it already is.
  4. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Quite. Our scumbags are his scumbags
  5. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    I'm happy to be a surrogate: "But did you hear about the tax benefit that Pelosi's second cousin wrongly claimed and only paid back when they asked him to? That's the real story here"
  6. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    I'm just disappointed you didn't show up to this thread sooner.
  7. I reckon I'd probably cop a ban if I replied to this ignorant bullshit in the true manner that it deserves.
  8. Just a reminder that Johnson’s career was launched in the early 90s by writing mocking, mostly untrue articles and diary pieces about Europe in The Telegraph.
  9. Wonder why it was crucial when spring was turning into summer, but now that it's freezing outside it's not important anymore...
  10. I assume it means the exercise shouldn't be outside your local area. So no trips from London to the Brecon Beacons under the guise of exercise. Delivering groceries to your housebound grandmother in the next town who would otherwise starve = still fine.
  11. I don't think those are really stones that we should be throwing from the doorway of our glass house.
  12. Thank god we're finally getting that stable door closed at last.
  13. Did people stop? I've had two per week, every week since March.
  14. Given he said this morning that they definitely wouldn't, isn't it the sort of thing you could have bet your house on?
  15. Minor point of order, former Chief Secretary to the Treasury (and now Labour candidate for West Midlands Mayor) Liam Byrne.
  16. "Alas, knowing today, what we could not possibly have known at the start of the week..."
  17. The answer to that "just show me one benefit" question finally has an answer...
  18. I think that's his mate Mark Reckless. Carswell is just off making money off the back of his grift now I believe.
  19. Narrator: current global deaths in spite of a year of the world being put on hold and millions not leaving their house, 1.84m.
  20. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Only a couple more days to the Georgia vote. By all accounts, there has been a greater Democrat turn-out compared to the Presidential election. So it basically boils down to whether that early vote is cannibalising the number of Democrats voting on the day in November, or whether the Republican vote on the day will keep pace with the increases that the Democrats have already seen. If it's neither of those, the Democrats should take both seats and overall control of the Senate. In "other things that Trump supporters might be doing in the early part of this week rather than being in Georgia to vote to help overturn a big Democrat lead in two vital Senate races" news:
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