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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. To be fair, 538 have been saying for six months that Biden would probably win and that Pennsylvania would most likely be the tipping point state. And were still saying that at the start of the week. And it looks like they'll probably have it right.
  2. The people who seem to know are saying that Nevada and Arizona can both be considered safe.
  3. Hmm. I think the years 2016 - 2020 would very much argue against the latter part of that.
  4. I guess that those people who unexpectedly won House seats and unexpectedly held Senate seats would rather he didn't keep banging on about fixed, illegitimate elections.
  5. Typical. Literally the only time that you really want a Nigel Farage hot-take and he's nowhere to be found.
  6. Where would you suggest going for the "yes, the Democratic establishment is rigging the election, but strangely doing it in such a way that they lose seats in the House and fail to take their Senate targets" version of the story? Is there any news channel that is reporting anything other than "bloke with more votes currently winning election"?
  7. I'm pretty sure Harris would be President, given it's a joint ticket. But @HanoiVillanknows everything about this sort of thing, so would defer to his judgement.
  8. It's certainly bang in line with many of the pre-election predictions. I'd hesitate to use the word landslide though. Trump will basically have taken Florida and North Carolina of the dozen states thought to seriously be in play.
  9. Given the original picture that's been edited had a swastika on it, I wonder if we might be seeing a whip-enforced, ashen-faced apology later today.
  10. I dunno about "not making (them) public". 'Cards' like the example given have always been there if they wanted to use them. That very example was discussed on this thread three years ago.
  11. He's just being boring-crazy. I want interesting-crazy.
  12. He looks like a peeled ewok. Ooh, it's started.
  13. (picks dream TV moment) Fox News reporter tells Trump live during the press conference that Nevada has been called for Biden, he now has 270 votes and they have called the election for him.
  14. I was going to go to bed. Trump press conference in half an hour? Oh, go on then.
  15. I think they've overshot and confused Fox punditry and pundits with Fox news reporting. As a comparison - Daily Telegraph comment and editorial is a sewer of all the worst people in the media. It didn't stop Peter Foster being one the best and most fair-minded journalists in the country when he was working for them. They've incorrectly divided the whole of the media into "the ones on our side and the ones who hate us", without stopping to think that ultimately most people go into journalism to report the news, rather than to support a political party.
  16. I guess that their whole plan relied on enough media noise that their "stolen election" narrative was given a fair hearing. As soon as the one outlet that might have been sympathetic enough to give it space to run shut it down from the start - well, there isn't a lot of space to manoeuvre from there.
  17. Under ten thousand now. Edit - and US psephology Twitter suggests that based on what's come in and what's yet to come, Georgia should be Biden's.
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