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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Quite. The deal could have been done on day one, it just needed the Government to cave on a load of stuff. And while it's good that they have, it was really just a question of them doing it quickly or slowly.
  2. *internal jukebox flips on* The cruffiton liveth, One hope, one quest
  3. On the other hand, our Government have said that the virus is so dangerous and prevalent that people shouldn't leave Kent to move to a different part of England. It's a bit rich for them to say that it's too dangerous for someone to move from Kent to Surrey, but going from Kent to northern France should be fine.
  4. I'd argue that it's a "consequence of France deciding to control their border with the UK" queue. Which can obviously manifest itself in a number of different ways.
  5. If only this could have been predicted, say, four years ago.
  6. Sorry, that's what I meant, a 35% reduction. I just managed to phrase it terribly.
  7. Apparently the fish question gets solved by the EU coastal states accepting 35% of their current quota, with a gradual 5 or 6 year transition to get to that point. Seems like a relatively sensible middle ground (particularly from their side) but it's going to be hilarious watching Johnson explaining to the throbbers who voted for it how compromise works and how they haven't actually won all the herring and mackerel. And that they'll still end up losing out because it won't be quite as economically viable to export it.
  8. If anyone had any plans for Easter, I'd recommend getting ahead of the curve and cancel them now.
  9. He isn't. He's saying that an unfortunate side effect of lots of people knowing someone who didn't suffer from it, is going to be those people taking it comparatively less seriously. He's not saying he wants more people seriously ill or dead. Obviously.
  10. Well, there's the millions of people who saw an electoral platform of incompetence, lies and stupidity, presented by a group of people with a track record of incompetence, lies and stupidity and thought that the best thing to do was to put them in charge.
  11. To save me from reading the whole thing, can I still go grouse shooting?
  12. Just a reminder that this was as recently as three days ago. And a further reminder that those people, who a year ago decided to hand power to people who have never been anything other than incompetent clowns, fully share the responsibility for what is happening at the moment.
  13. This Christmas thing doesn't look like it's a very good idea...
  14. Not in terms of broadcast. But politicians like going on it because it's very clippable for social media. And if you're in London anyway with an hour to spare, why not.
  15. Just to play the contrarian a bit, that's probably not unreasonable is it? He's clearly a despicable scumbag who should probably see the inside of a prison cell at some point, but he was kind of in charge of everything and running the country (yes, very badly, I know). Getting paid the same as a middle-manager at Deloitte or (to pick a job I just randomly Googled) ten grand less than the "Corporate Director of Place" for Thurrock Council (£154,994) doesn't make me swoon in horror.
  16. I would humbly submit that there could easily be a lot of crossover between the categories of "previously pro-Corbyn" and "sensible left". I'd wager that the people on the left who moved from "he seems alright" over time to "him being leader is not a good thing for the party or the country" is a pretty large number. In fact, given he resigned as leader, one could argue that Corbyn himself could be classed as "previously pro-Corbyn!"
  17. Good PR for them no doubt, but nice gesture nonetheless.
  18. ml1dch

    U.S. Politics

    Presumably that bodes well.
  19. Greenwich Council decide that it's not safe to have schools open due to rising infection rates and tells parents that they're moving to online tuition until the new year. They were due to break up for Christmas at the end of the week anyway. Gavin Williamson has now ordered them to remain open for the last four days of term, using powers in the emergency coronavirus legislation. In other education news, Eton College has now broken up for Christmas after deciding to end term early due to rising infection rates.
  20. Then again, as a (I assume) healthy (I assume) man in his (I assume) late twenties / early thirties, he'll probably be waiting the best part of a year even if he were desperate to take one.
  21. Dunno about that. The US election suggests that there is suddenly a bit more of a marketplace for "dull centrist who isn't going to drive the country off a cliff". The post-Brexit, post-covid wasteland might yield similar results.
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