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Everything posted by JAMAICAN-VILLAN

  1. I now feel also we should try to pull out all the stops to get AVB as you say, or maybe another top European manager we may have missed. I still wouldnt be averse to Martinez though. More than anything we need a manager who is creative with scouting and who can attract certain players.
  2. After thinking about it, Im starting to think money might be the problem, we are offering managers peanuts to rebuild the squad and they cant be assed with the hassle.
  3. Does anyone remember last years infamous ""We've got our man"" hence Mclaren or Hughes being turned down? We remember what happened next.
  4. Agree, I'm gutted myself, but dont see how we can blame the club on this one. Truly gutted. Let's hope we can still get a vibrant young manager in! None of us were even considering OGS before it came up!
  5. Says apparently he is way down in the pecking order though.
  6. I personally have never really been warmed to Lambert, and another scot again. At first I was stunned about OGS, but I've really come around to the idea of it, so now i'll actually be disappointed if its not OGS, Martinez, or AVB. As a matter of fact Martinez has fallen way down the pecking order for me now. as has been repeated we need that ""revolution"", a young press friendly manager who will have new ideas, creativity with scouting etc. To me OGS ticks all the boxes, Lambert will be more generic to me.
  7. This, I just cant wait for the appointment to be made, then we can actually start with clearing the deadwood and shaping the squad.
  8. Apparently the list is Martinez, Lambert, AVB, Rafa or another unknown. People who wouldnt be happy with AVB are deluded!
  9. Inevitably David whelan came out with the usual ""Aston Villa are not a big enough club for Martinez"" etc. on Talksport.
  10. I'm not sure if you are taking the piss, but I did mention a few times that I would have preferred him to Mcleish, and we would never have been in this situation. He is young enough, and is mentored by GH, hence the scouting, and style of play etc would be in the same vein.
  11. Why bother, we already know this is why Pep resigned from Barcelona.
  12. Well to be honest with you there's is nothing wrong with looking more fashionable on the pitch, the over baggy shite is too old school anyway.
  13. Can't believe we've let him go.
  14. He's young, they were out for a night, they have brawls on the training pitch ffs. Move along, no need for more dramatic sensationalism.
  15. I was never as opposed to Maclaren as you lot were. Funnily enough I think the reason alot were opposed at the time was because they thought our club would be going for some decent manager, Steve being the worst on the shortlist. If only thry knew what was in store. I want to see us go for a manager with a reputation an ability to attract good players. I think we have ""small clubbed"" ourselves too much and its becoming entrenched in the culture throughout the club. We need to kick ourselves up the arse and remember who we are.
  16. Wigan absolutely demoloshing Newcastle! Martinez please? (If we stay up)
  17. Oh Gabby ffs. Yah its written in the stars isnt it? Bolton Wigan etc.
  18. That form table earily looks like it has a high chance of being the how the bottom three end up. Ive been saying for ages we were never safe anyway. Sigh.
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