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Everything posted by Talldarkandransome

  1. Haha nah, the dark mistress is the championship. It was a lot shorter in my head
  2. Now the dust has settled this is the best analogy I can come up with FAREWELL MY DARK MISTRESS After many years together with the missus my life had gone a bit stale, I wasn't doing very well and I'd got in with the wrong crowd. You started texting me when I was low and we flirted with each other for a while. At my lowest I felt forced to meet up and you enticed me with your promises of new places and a fresh start. I parted with my old life by mutual consent and even though it broke my heart I knew it was necessary. We started off ok and I thought maybe this could work, yeah maybe it'll be ok. After a while I had fallen for your promises and new ideas and things were good, I was getting back to how I was. I'd almost got over the loss of my old life and was starting again. Then I saw my exes mate who said she wanted to meet up for a chat, we talked briefly on a warm day in May but it didn't go too well. We decided I wasn't ready to repair the years of damage so we went our separate ways, I was devastated but she was thriving and carried on. Then, last summer I hit rock bottom and I wanted to end it all, your promises were falling away and I was seeing your darker side. You had lied to me, possibly from day one. You had introduced me to some sketchy people who tried to use my vulnerability and good nature to get me hooked but ultimately I saw them for what they were. I started to meet some new people, it was difficult for me at first because you had twisted my mind and lowered my expectations but I decided to accept their hospitality and kind words. They didn't make any lofty promises but I knew they were good, they brought some new people into my life and we hit it off straight away. I was feeling much better about myself, I even looked much better. We had some ups and downs but I was buzzing again, my chest was out and I felt proud again. My old mates were back supporting me, they never left really they just didn't like what I had become. Then I arranged to meet my ex again, it almost didn't happen but I did my absolute best to get to the meeting, it was another warm day in May and it felt much better than the last time we had met. I wasn't my stubborn old self and she seemed truly happy to see me this time. We thrashed it out for what felt like 2 hours but as it turned out we didn't need that long. We left together on our new journey, we didn't need to make idle promises as we had both changed and I felt the best I had for years. So farewell my dark mistress, we had some great times and you showed me another side I'd forgotten about but I never want to see you again. I am back where I belong and with the right guidance I fully intend to stay there. Goodbye
  3. Jack's been kicked all season, punched by a blue nose and now cut by the trophy
  4. I've done this before and it works out cheaper too
  5. I've got the best route Out of bed, down the stairs and into lounge. Cold beers and the missus is taking the lad out for the day so I can swear at the telly too. I'd rather be going to Wembley of course but don't have £500 spare or enough booking history this season
  6. I was about to say how much this week is dragging, I watched the pens against baggies again the other day and I was still bricking it. Hurry up Monday I've got the beers ready
  7. Ok makes sense, so they getting CW seats but at regular prices
  8. So, according to dcfc.co.uk their allocation was increased to 38k. If that is the case then surely we should have the same
  9. So now it's gone from 'anyone got a spare ref' to 'anyone got a spare ticket' Jeez
  10. Slightly off topic but my lads year one assembly is next week and the song they have to learn is I do like to be beside the seaside.... I've not been teaching him our version at all
  11. They've allocated a few blocks if you want to sing, I assume the rest are not allowed to sing
  12. Derby have a designated singing area
  13. In the unlikely event it goes to booking history this season I'll try and get one. But it's not looking likely so I'll be watching from k'ford... Gonna be a cracking occasion regardless. I'm not a shit fan I've just got bigger priorities.. damn kids
  14. What a fantastic match, well done Derby. **** off Leeds
  15. Nah, two semis this season in Carling cup I think and only one used VAR and Man city got an offside goal as no VAR
  16. Leeds are doing a Leeds again, still time but didn't see this coming C'mon Frank Lampards Derby
  17. The way this is going we'll only be playing 9 men. C'mon Derby. Nice to see Bamford has learnt his lesson for play acting ****
  18. Thanks Deano, you've made me proud to be a villa fan again. Heart, passion and some intelligence instead of hoof it here, hoof it there. One more performance and we can kick on from there.
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