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Everything posted by osmark86

  1. I imagine we won't be alone in this problem due to the shorter summer shopping window not only applying to us. but yes, this is a frustrating fact.
  2. Bacuna, Samatta it's a passing craaaaaaaaaaaaze
  3. yeah I'm not going to get salty because a player isn't sure about joining our club in favor of something more familiar. these are still people we're talking about and I'm sure he'd be a model professional if he were to sign with us... ...or not, because people.
  4. I always go with the cheeky "No problem" in quick chat as soon as someone spams "Thanks!" after being demo'd by me.
  5. shit, I missed the discord XD. will remember to check VT next time. ggs!
  6. since I'm on PC I think you lot have to add me or give me your Rocket Ids (ex. PlayerName#1234)
  7. yes that's my Rocket Id. should work on all consoles.
  8. give us a ping here when you're on
  9. if anyone is up for it then sure :). watching the esports right now at https://www.twitch.tv/rocketleague
  10. I will study this video in order to properly embark on such sorcery
  11. might be able to find some time on sunday
  12. https://discord.gg/AwU9qg didn't work for me. is there a permanent discord channel you guys use? I'm up for some matches tonight if anyone else is up for it.
  13. interesting...will give this a go out of curiosity.
  14. Listening to a truly great black metal band from Manchester Winterfylleth and their album The Hallowing Of Heirdom. This album is an acoustic folk album that completely had me blindsided the first time I heard it. It's mainly centered around English folklore and composed of classical guitar compositions as well as choral singing. Absolutely fantastic album imo and very beautiful. Here's an extract:
  15. Well at least nowadays the weapon of choice has moved from a bloodied axe to a Logitech keyboard when confronting thine enemies.
  16. To be fair humans in general were pretty much a bunch of savage bastards back then, but yes I don't disagree
  17. Not able to play any today as I've chosen bouldering over gaming tonight but pick a time and I'm down!
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