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Everything posted by Xann

  1. Doodseskader - 'I Ask With My Mouth, I'll Take With My Fist'
  2. The Chi-Lites - 'The Man And The Woman (The Boy And The Girl)'
  3. Xann


    https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-2.59,53.86,3154/loc=-1.622,53.223 The other wind map
  4. Danny Brown - 'Jenn's Terrific Vacation'
  5. Already you can see the ads changing, and it's going to continue to devalue our creatives. They'll be fine though, they can be engineers and stuff
  6. Was going to suggest Mick Mannock for the famous people we maybe should know better? He was the UK's top WWI fighter ace with 61 aerial victories, but he was working class and believed in Irish self rule. Richthofen was bought down over Allied lines and was given a hero's funeral. As for Mick, barely anyone's heard of him. The public school words removed and the Daily Mail do not come out well in Mick's story. What's changed?
  7. It would be a betrayal of the Russian backed Brexit, sold to the nation by traitors, morons and the tax shy.
  8. Neal Hefti - 'Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma's Hung You in the Closet and I'm Feelin' So Sad' OST Hefti wrote the classic Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Batman!
  9. The mindset is subtly different between studio recording and recording to loop. A loop encourages precision. If you cock up a pass? You have to start everything again. This is frustrating, but the reset is instantaneous, and reconstruction to get to the same point is quick and straightforward. Then you're getting the practice that makes perfect on the first attempt. Also looping is continuously rolling, it's more go than stop. I think that refines the internal clock somewhat? Keeping good time becomes less of a conscious effort.
  10. In your friend's case, consider a looping sampler. A zillion years ago we had a Lexicon JamMan. Digitech do one now, I think? There's others, I'm sure. They encourage good timing with feet and fingers. They work as delays too, so it's win win.
  11. Xann


    Kinell, two more batterings coming up https://www.windy.com/?55.765,-4.968,4 Click wind mode on right, then the play icon bottom left.
  12. Vince Guaraldi - 'A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving' OST
  13. 3/4 of the og lineup, including Kool Keith AKA Dr Octagon.
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