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Everything posted by Jareth

  1. What a nice thing to do. Top man.
  2. That's fair, but what I think I mean is that old Bruce needs to change and be less fearful. He has got 4 promotions under his belt but every club is different and if he really wants to be a hero he needs to embrace the villa and entertain us.
  3. Was gonna start a relentlessly positive thread, but realised this existed. Got massive expectations now - regardless of the feeling towards Bruce. Yeah they will be dashed but yer can't help but feel like we have got the ingredients. Cue 5-1 Brizzle.
  4. Absolutely, we need to learn to score and if that takes a few against then so be it. If Bruce tweaks this right we could have a brilliant model to take into the prem - the dream is us being dangerous but also keeping it tight, dare I say it, a bit like Man U of old. Clearly never gonna happen. But one can dream.
  5. I don't begrudge other teams moving stadium or building new, but I reckon the good Dr came to Villa for all its history and its victoriana - would hate it if one day he said we had to move, but I get the feeling he'd never do that.
  6. Seems to me the championship is chocca with teams who have to wheel and deal and swap about 10 players every season - I've no doubt someone will come in for the players who want to move - i.e. Gardner, elphick...
  7. That's rich coming from Granville Number
  8. Fair enough, I'm not at all concerned, adding players like Snodgrass on a one season loan also not a concern, quite the opposite.
  9. I think the change has been clear, Bruce played first two away games not to concede and to nick a 0-1. Failed badly, felt the pressure, then in his next 2 home games played a lot higher up and asked his players to attack, and Davis paid off big. What will he do on Fri? Sadly I think he thinks he has bought time and will go defensive again - but if that means Davis again on his own then we should have more threat this time with hourihane and a few others in form. Only issue is Hutton, he always tries to lose it for us.
  10. I think there's plenty of room to put him in the middle next to or just ahead of hourihane, Jedi or whelan behind them.
  11. Gotta be Grealish cover given the injury. I think we really need him.
  12. Usually one leading to an oxbow lake
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