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Everything posted by Jareth

  1. I understand. Once you decide that you want something, then unless you get it, you ain't gonna be a happy bunny. I'd advise taking a step back, look at the form since reading, indulge in some optimism based on Kodjia and Jedi returning along with Snodgrass - and then come to a sensible, cool-headed reassessment of where the villa is going. If you still think we are completely doomed, and that Xia is out to make your life a misery, then possibly, it is too late for you my friend.
  2. Yer know, thankfully there is a huge difference between our Tony and your average villa fan - he has loads of money and wants to make us great again, and your average villa fan is emotionally damaged goods from following the club the last six years. He's definitely better placed to make the right decisions.
  3. Mate, get used to being disappointed - they aint sacking Bruce.
  4. To be fair the only change was he started Samba instead of Hutton.
  5. Easy to interpret today's result any way you want. But facts are, we are terrible away from home and at this very important moment in the season and in Bruce's career for us, we needed to show something and not lose. I think we did that. Nice run of games coming up, Snodgrass in, plenty of space now for Bruce to get his best 11 in place. I know this is not what determined brouters want to hear.
  6. Hard earned point. Compared to last two away games then that was better.
  7. Bruce's change of formation I swear was prompted by the stick he knew he would get if he'd carried on. I think this pressure on him is a good thing.
  8. Days of old and we would have conceded in that half. Onus is on us now, I'd take Samba off, Bree on.
  9. Dude, Hutton is shocking
  10. Elmo played there most of the time for Hull. He's ahead of Hutton (who isn't) and probably fresher than Bree and RDL who played midweek.
  11. I don't think it's all that different - plan will be to get Davis to hold it up while Green and Hourihane get forward on the counter. It is more defensive, but we can hurt them. Also Elmo at RB makes sense as that is where he will be when Snodgrass plays next game.
  12. I'd have thought rather than being told how to run his club, Tony should be getting some praise for giving us the best squad in the division. But what do I know.
  13. I think if you put a wig on him he'd make a very acceptable girl.
  14. This time last year at Bristol we lined up with Gollini RDL - Chester - Elphick - Cissokho Bacuna - Jedi - Westwood Grealish - Mcormack - Ayew This year (including Snodgrass for the sake of it) Johnstone Elmo - Chester - Terry - Taylor Snodgrass - Whelan - Hourihane - Green Hogan - Davis We were NEVER getting promoted last year. This year? Why the hell not!
  15. You mean to loan? Or buy? Pretty sure we can't loan him AND also Snodgrass. Anyone know how it works?
  16. Why? I thought he was Excellent for Arsenal.
  17. I was thinking this would almost definitely happen. He played behind Snodgrass at Hull. And Hutton now becomes fourth choice RB!
  18. Got option to buy 'pparantly - that's good.
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