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Everything posted by Jareth

  1. This is like when mum and dad argue and use the cat to address their arguments to
  2. No idea. (see how much time I spent on that reply to a question). Sorry had to edit this to reflect the hypocrisy of someone who accuses others of mocking behaviour and then goes and uses a smiley emoji to, mock their post.
  3. Fortunately it's a forum where you express opinions, not a popularity contest.
  4. Do you always answer a question with a question?
  5. Well at least it didn't include insulting terminology.
  6. Expectation - big problem for us - leads to mass impatience and a new manager every 10 months - we need stability.
  7. It's deluded to refer to the rest of this league as piss pot. Looked at the league table lately?
  8. This is part of the problem - we are a piss pot championship club - we belong.
  9. Whaaaaaaaatttttttt????? But I already lost my sh*t about that and now you are telling me it was never real!?? Oh why do I do this!!!
  10. Good night to you sir, and your dreams of a world where Chinese business-men are some distant alien threat, sleep well, in the 1970s, and when you awake, just remember that when you see someone who doesn't look like you, or is as narrow mined as you, just remember they might support the villa and not be full of prejudice.
  11. Go on then, give us a case study of a Chinese business person who you have respect for...
  12. OK - I am off Bruce too, but it aint binary - why are Bruce's enemies now our friends? They aint.
  13. Oh hello! Here is the issue. You have just said that you are basing Tony on your experience of Chinese business people. You may as well have said they are all the same. Here's an idea, maybe all brummie business people are all the same, all landlocked and away from the seaside, and negative and generalising. I'd hate to assume that.
  14. Have you considered the point of posting something along the lines of "Wow"? Anyway, Ross out.
  15. OR - observing Ross Mcoremack's fall from grace and his inability to display any professionalism. But for sure he can be redeemed, just cos Bruce hasn't a clue and Ross really could open his gate and Bruce made it all up. For sure.
  16. TERRIFIC! Inshallah we are blessed that Sir Ross of Mcoremack's gate was in such good working order that his desire to attend a FOOTBALL match for his EMPLOYER was able to be fulfilled.
  17. Quite agreed, signing Gallagher clearly equals Bruce out.
  18. What? He attended something he was contractually obliged to attend, for a change?
  19. Twas all that was ever needed saying. FWIW I'm also Bruce Out, regrettably.
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