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Everything posted by NurembergVillan

  1. Doesn't matter what I think, he's in jail for his crimes. Obviously, I didn't attend the trial, but from the limited amount of information I had, the verdict didn't come as a surprise.
  2. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2019/03/10-undeniable-facts-about-the-michael-jackson-sexual-abuse-allegations
  3. Just read he's only had 9 touches of the ball too. Looks well short of his form in February and March.
  4. If there's clear daylight between the players then there's no argument.
  5. I'd simplify offside in a heartbeat. If the whole of the ball has to be over the line for a goal, the whole of the attacker has to be offside.
  6. It means this person who has "spoken above what is seen as mainstream" was accused of doing something illegal/immoral and unrelated to their opinions but the accusations proved unfounded.
  7. Do they? What examples of this are there were it was completely unwarranted?
  8. But you have previously described footballers you don't rate as "wastemen"...
  9. I can understand all of that. Weird one for me. I started listening to him when I was going through a massively difficult time with my mental health, living abroad, and he gave me a sense of comfort somehow. Now though, it feels like just opportunism. A celebrity populist. Right now, his easiest route to fame and fortune is conspiracy bollocks so that's the direction he's pointing his persona. He's clearly always been a troubled individual seeking validation. Seems like he's finally found it.
  10. I was SO Into a lot of his work from his Radio 2 days until the stand-up tour when he'd become a Dad. I could totally relate to a lot of his material in that show. And then he seemed to take a dramatic right turn and I completely checked out from following him in double-quick time. I've never gone from actively supporting someone to being totally disinterested so quickly in all my life. His flowery language for me was all part of the show, whereas now it feels like part of the same act Boris Johnson, Mogg et al use to trick thick people into thinking they're clever. Hence the pseudo-profound in your post.
  11. Did the book ever get published?
  12. You know that's me, right? Either way, glad you thought it was VT-worthy!
  13. Genuinely thought that was going to be the focus of the NASA press conference yesterday.
  14. Almost every time I get a cold I'll get a sinus infection. It's brutal. Top tip - ditch the Beconase and get onto Otrivine instead. It's what the pros use.
  15. Just bought an XL Bully off some fella on our estate for £700 and now the government are on about having them all killed. It's crazy. The suggestion that dogs are attacking "innocent children". Dogs know stuff. What if those kids were to grow up and be serial killers or something? Just because we can't see into the future it doesn't mean dogs can't. They can see ghosts! My little fella wouldn't attack anyone who didn't deserve it.
  16. Normally if your phone picks it up and you're at home it will direct the instruction to the nearest speaker anyway
  17. Now you're getting the hang of it! We'll make a Tory MP of you yet, young man!
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