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Everything posted by 8pints

  1. There's only one Stephen Warnock, He used to be 'Mildy alright' but now he's just shite. ...Walking in a Warnock Wonderland! (Alliteration to boot ) That's the one. You & me we're gunna start this :'( xD We'll have to do it at half-time though because we're supposed to be singing 'Stand up if you love Villa' for ninety solid minutes. We are atmosphere. What if he does get sold though?
  2. I'm more worried when we havn't got the ball too. Yes, we could do with a diamond structure like this --------(Someone ultra-attacking----- --------but who chases opposition--- --------and closes them down)----- Ireland-------------------------------KEA -------Solid defensive ball winner---- I think Ireland and KEA would be a great partnership in the middle with Ireland with the emphasis on attack and KEA with the slght emphasis on the defensive but both can link defence to attack and both seem to get stuck in to a tackle (Well Ireland did for a bit at the end of the season) They're both great readers of the game and make canny interceptions. The attacking midfielder could very well be Holman/N'Zogbia The defensive midfielder could very well be Herd/Clark/Delph but this is the one I feel the strongest about that we may have to bring someone in. Someone who reads the game a bit better than Herd/Clark/Delph do at this time, someone with more experience than those players who they can learn from. Or will it be Makoun if he stays? Still not experienced in the Premier League and possibly too lightweight for this league but he reads the game solidly.
  3. There's only one Stephen Warnock, He used to be 'Mildy alright' but now he's just shite. ...Walking in a Warnock Wonderland! (Alliteration to boot ) That's the one.
  4. Oh come on! The jumpers alone warrant 299 pages even if there's nothing else. There isn't. I met him once and complimented his jumper. "Beholden gratitude for your approbative locutions of my humble habiliment, my congenial comrade" He replied.
  5. Its Tuesday! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait there, it's forty minutes 'til Wednesday, which is the middle of the week, we're doomed.
  6. Dempsey's at his peak. Fletcher can still prove and has an extra 4 years to offer. I agree Dempsey is the better player at present though. Yes! Thank you. I was making the point to someone that Fletcher may cost a lot because of his age and then I forgot to factor that in here
  7. He's like the reverse of the Heskey wonderland song. I think people forget he was good when he first came (Or, fair enough, maybe they don't think he was initially as good as I do) but has had his confidence shattered, and even if you said justifiably that "He is a proffessional footballer of some experience and he should be able to shake that off and build himself up", he needs his spirit restoring.
  8. I'm putting a tenner on Hopefully, all of this is what will follow. I feel we're capable of all of it. Obviously hasn't read this forum The fact of who is saying these words is crucial. Yep, that's the thing, he needs to do both, not in one season but he has to marry those two together obviously, and look to be working towards it straight away. Which he is. Don't think that's true. Depth maybe, but there's a fair few in our squad that have under-performed/lackd confidence/not enjoyed the tactics, but they are quality. it's going to be very interesting to see how we perform without these two, they could very well lose their spots. Bang on. Yep, or at least provide top-notch service. I don't think Bent feels any burden to score goals, he just wants ten men behind him that are good enough to provide him with the chances. He'll slot them away no problem. I think Bent would be very happy if our end of the season goal tally looked like this Villa Goals Scored Bent - All of them. I'll make a prediction Ireland and El Ahmadi will both get the very best out of each other and be amazing. Others will rotate around these two in an attempt to keep a first-team place. El Ahmadi seems to have restored in Ireland the thing that seems to have been missing for the whole of his Villa career - Enjoyment. All we need is right back, centre back and (Possibly two) left back(s)...that's all, don't worry :shock: That is bad That's alright then He's not McLeish. Amen. >>>>
  9. What's the latest regarding us on Cresswell, Douglas and/or Annan?
  10. It's interesting Dempsey seems to be up for 10m (Last year on his contract, maybe why?) And then Wolves are asking 12m at least for Fletcher (Maybe because they have to give a bit to Burnley) I like both players and would be happy if either (Or both ) came to us. But I'd prefer Dempsey to Fletcher. But then, only an assumption, but I think Fletcher would be more likely to come to us than Dempsey.
  11. I think they're extremely good reasons to go after him.
  12. Regarding my earlier post predicting we will finish with 52 points this season. I thought I'd see where 52 points would have gotten us throughout the past Premier League seasons. (Based on also having a better goal difference than any other club with 52 points that season) I've put how we actually did in brackets on the side. 92/93 - 14th (Finished 2nd with 74 points) 93/94 - 13th (Finished 10th with 57 points) 94/95 - 12th (Finished 18th with 48 points) 95/96 - 10th (Finished 4th with 63 points) 96/97 - 9th (Finished 5th with 61 points) 97/98- 11th (Finished 7th with 57 points) 98/99 - 8th (Finished 6th with 55 points) 99/00 - 11th (Finished 6th with 58 points) 00/01 - 9th (Fnished 8th with 54 points) 01/02 - 8th (We finished 8th that season but with 50 points. We'd beat ourselves ) 02/03 - 8th (Finished 16th with 45 points, below Blues ) 03/04 - 9th (Finished 6th with 56 points) 04/05 - 8th (Finished 10th with 47 points) 05/06 - 10th (Finished 16th with 42 points) 06/07 - 10th (Finished 11th with 50 points) 07/08 - 10th (Finished 6th with 60 points) 08/09 - 8th (Finished 6th with 62 points) 09/10 - 9th (Finished 6th with 64 points. So O' Neill was improving 2 points at a time, the Noahs' Ark madman) 10/11 - 8th (Finished 9th with 48 points) 11/12 - 8th (The records of where we finished this season were lost it seems) Shows how tight the middle of the league has always been. A few points either way seem to make a massive difference So on average we should finish 9th or 10th I suppose. I'm going for 9th
  13. Most underrated? I love their optimism. Interesting they don't flag up his performances with us so they must know how badly he's done for us but still want him, maybe they think it was a blip, fair enough, they can have him.
  14. Could be interesting if Donovan makes a permanent move somewhere, Everton maybe.
  15. Haha you should have no problem then, it looks fantastic.
  16. Why? I'm not disagreeing with you, just interested in your reasons.
  17. In the league I think we'll get 52 points. So wherever that results in us finishing? (That's around 7th-10th I imagine) Cups I think we may not focus on but it's always great to have a cup run so I'll go with quarter final of the FA Cup and win the League cup
  18. It's going to be a mobile one, whoever plays in it, for it to be successful
  19. He's in the Japanese Olympic squad, if anyone wants a look at him.
  20. Hope you get it then. How does everyone use their vouchers? Straight away? String them out? Not at all? I separate all of my vouchers and fold them up, put them in a Villa Bronx hat and draw one out on the morning of each home game,then use that voucher on said given day. Sometimes though if I don't fancy the one I've drawn that day I cheat and put it back in til I get one I want. That's a good way of doing it.
  21. Bringing in three more players would increase my optimism further.
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