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Everything posted by HeyAnty

  1. Past 3 halfs of football show how important he is to us. Forget the saves he would have made that olsen didn’t, he controls the tempo of the game with ball at his feet and can pass to create an attack. Plus gives defence and midfield so much confidence. If we have to sell a player, hes top of my list of players not to sell.
  2. Hes one of the main reasons why we are on verge of CL. We are playing with players beside him who aren’t able to play position since Kamara got injured. World class DM coming in the summer to play alongside him
  3. Heres a stat…. Saves in his last 27 pens faced. = 0
  4. So basically have to win 3 of last 4 and hope we dont win another
  5. Agree. So poor playing there tonight
  6. Spurs v Chelsea is on at 7.30pm, so if not at villa park u will see 45mins if u want
  7. There is some rubbish in the CL. Forgetting the top leagues, the rest are rubbish. Likes of Danish, Dutch, Scottish, greek teams are way behind.
  8. So why city and utd vote against? They want to spend more than 300-400m
  9. Its funny how we see his performance differently tonight. I thought he was shockingly poor. Hes been banging on door for past 2-3 seasons. Times running out
  10. To be fair to us all, thats a fall out from supporting Villa for past 15 years. Its a self coping mechanism so as to not get to disappointed when we get let down. Which lets face it, has happened consistently. Takes time to build up confidence again and we are talking years. It was just one knock after the other. If there is such a thing as football PTSD, 90% of us probably have it
  11. Who’d take a draw in spurs v Arsenal? Think I would as they’re at home
  12. HeyAnty

    Ezri Konsa

    We could have been 2 or 3 down in first half only for this man. Immense CB we have
  13. Id take 4pts now if u gave it to me for Bournemouth and Chelsea games
  14. I could see Spurs getting 4pts out of those 4 games. A win and a draw isn’t unrealistic, especially 2 at home. They will get 6pts from other 2 games. That leaves them on 70. Hopefully they get hammered in one of those 4
  15. I would nearly guarantee us getting 70pts at least in our remaining 5 games. 7pts. Will that be enough for 4th? I wouldn’t be as confident
  16. Yup were we stand . Ive saw us win a trophy so might sway my thinking abit.
  17. Yeah i guess i am then based on your analysis. Would i rather watch Real Madrid at villa park than Bury? Absolutely.
  18. They’ve devalued it so much. Removing replays etc. Was always good for upsets and that got people interested. Never happens now.
  19. No it wasn’t that. It was 4th to get CL. I don’t really care about a 3rd rate euro cup if im being honest. And i hate FA cup as well.
  20. And they didn’t have to sell one of their best players which we might have to do (rumours i know) inorder to balance the books if we don’t make CL
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