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Everything posted by CLARETANDBLUEFOXY

  1. Ha ha just to confirm, I don’t follow him. I saw the post elsewhere
  2. Fair point for sure. Guess I just find it frustrating not being able to get tickets when I hear about people abusing the players whereas when I go I am cheering and chanting from the first to last minute whatever the score.
  3. Just tried to get two tickets for Southampton - literally only a few singular tickets left here and there at dead on 5pm. Makes no sense how demand is so high yet from what everyone who’s going is saying the atmosphere is as a flat as a pancake and everyone hates being there make it make sense!
  4. Does anyone think that some of the dressing room don’t respect Gerrard? Everyone seems so unhappy and that bounce and joy the team used to have only last season seems to have gone.
  5. I really don’t think it’s against the realms of possibility that we could go down. If we keep playing a shit as this when all the teams below us have suddenly found some fight - it could easily happen.
  6. I think also the lack of football during covid has helped the spike, too.
  7. To be fair, I didn’t think it was down to a huge surge in memberships. It’s mad how demand is so high these days but not even this high when we were playing under MON! I could get tickets lift right and centre back then and we were doing much better!
  8. Not got a membership sadly - always try at 5pm when they go on sale but they always seem to be sold out by the time I get to the tickets. I got lucky for the Brentford game but every since then they either don’t get to general or sell out super quick. Only games that stayed on sale for a while were games I couldn’t get to but I shall keep trying! Why is it so hard to get a ticket these days? Has there been an increase in season tickets and memberships?
  9. This really pisses me off because I’m finding it so hard to get tickets these days (it wasn’t even this hard when we were flying High in 6th place every year) and yet people like this get to go every week.
  10. I agree with everything you say. It’s also very frustrating to hear how quiet VP is because this is the hardest it’s ever been to get tickets in my time being a Villa fan (it wasn’t even this difficult to get decent tickets when we were flying high in the O’Neil era!) so it’s sad to know the people going arnt trying to make VP a fortress. When I go I make some serious noise from the first whistle.
  11. Also, last week I was laughed at for saying we could still easily go down but I still stand by that comment.
  12. I spent all this week refreshing the tickets page to try and get two tickets for this. Actually so glad people were beating me to it every time I went to buy one as and when they become available. We’ve spent so much money and still can’t make a dent in this league. As I said in the previous thread - We appoint a manager who’s only ever done the Scottish league and expect to get into Europe cos he convinced one good player to join us. That was a bit silly of us wasnt it?
  13. And this is why neutral fans are so smug. They can enjoy football week in week out without fail.
  14. We appoint a manager who’s only ever done the Scottish league and expect to get into Europe cos he convinced one good player to join us. That was a bit silly of us wasnt it?
  15. For some reason it would let me edit but just wanted to add - just noticed we’ve dropped down further now thanks to Leicester winning!
  16. Now it’s been a while since the game finished and I’m no longer angry and wound up - here are my observations. It still worries me how defeatist Gerrard looked only 1-0 down still with a couple of minutes to go - winning managers are still fighting and screaming until the final whistle. You think Alex Ferguson was slumped on his chair like that when United were 1-0 down against Bayern Munich in 1999? I know that game was much bigger but every game should have the same winning mentality and attitude or else why bother? He just gave up. The whole team gave up. There’s no bite, no fight, and the depth of our bench is not top ten material. I’m not dissing the team or lashing out. I’m just being honest. We badly need better quality, better depth and better attitudes. Otherwise we will just get eclipsed by other teams including, sadly, the likes of Newcastle.
  17. Why do you think we can’t go down? If we carry on playing like this and losing…we could easily be caught up with.
  18. Also, just gonna say it, we could still quite easily go down…
  19. I really don’t think Gerrard is the messiah. He looked like he had absolutely given up at the end - slumped on his chair looking like he’s just found out his wife had cheated on him. We still had two minutes left - he should have been on the touch line firing them up! That said everything to me on why this team couldn’t beat a rug.
  20. Did anyone just see Gerrard slumped back in his chair? Not a good sign. He should be on the touch line screaming and shouting and firing them up! What a defeatist attitude.
  21. It’s all a bit embarrassing isn’t it really? Losing to Newcastle .
  22. We’ve been so bad that we’ve made Shelvey look half decent
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