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Everything posted by PussEKatt

  1. That appears to be the case,as everyone seems to buy bottled water.
  2. Depends on what you/anyone calls "a better time to be alive"
  3. Dont know,I was not living in Australia then.
  4. The bottom line it that it is a matter of opinion which were the best/good times.As far as I am concerened if I could change anything about my life,I would leave everything as it is,I have had a great life and have enjoyed every minute of it ( I would do it all again in a heartbeat )
  5. We were NOT told that smoking was bad for us,we watched actors smoking in the movies,we saw people smoking everywhere,on trains,busses,in the picture theatre etc etc. I dont recall reading,on the news ( or anywhere else for that matter ) that a lot of people were dying from lung cancer, ( I am sure that the number of people who die from smoking is the same now as it always has been ( taking into consideration that less people smoke now ) Apart from smoking im talking about the days when it was safe to drink water from a tap.About times when alarms and security only mattered to the BIG firms.About times when,if you kicked a person when he was down you were ostrasized by everyone,including your friends and family.Im definately talking about the good times.
  6. Have answered this in the post above.
  7. Yes,im a war baby but my parents and me left Calcutta (India ) where my mum and dad were fighting the Japanese.We left in 1950 because India got their independance in 1950 and it took 3 years for the Indians to decide to throw the English out of India. ( my parents are both English and although I hold an English passport I have never lived in England ) As for forgetting the bad times,do you mean forgetting that we had servants to do everything and we had to do virtually nothing at all ( I even had 2 brothers ) who read comics to me so that I didnt have to read them myself.Or do you mean the other bad times,when I was enjoying myself with my mates running around the streets having fun,splitting up and having fun wars with air rifles,etc,etc,etc.As a point of interest when we had to leave India,half the family went to England and my family settled in New Zealand.I personally do not recall any bad times at all.
  8. Im just stating what was on the news the other day.That the USA has built a base in the Northern territory ( this base has been in operation for a while now ) and they are increasing the amount of troops sent there because of China.
  9. Yes,counting down now,but I have an answer.
  10. NATO need to do something positive in this war because China are now sabre rattling and the USA are sending more military over here because of it.If Russia is not stopped soon,this could esculate into WW3.IMHO China is watching how much help NATO is giving Ukraine and what the general feeling is among western countries ( eg,how hard are they going to push Russia ) not hard enough I think.
  11. There are a couple of other things nobody has mentioned yet.We got our water out of a tap and we ate lots of greasy food,eg the grease from a roast.IMHO we were fitter/healthier then because although we ate all this rubbish er burnt off all that from running around every day playing,soccer,rugby league,cricket,bushbike races,trolly races ( where you had to lug them back up the hill for the next race ) and a lot more outdoor activities,and,as mjmooney states,Im talking about the late 50s/early 60s.Im talking about the time when Buddy Holly,Chuckberry,Gene Vincent etc were top of the charts,rock and roll was the dance of the time and Elvis came along when I had one year left in high school.
  12. Its all totally true.Too bad you were not around to experiance the world as it was.
  13. Re #4 I grew up in the 50/60s and apart from what you have already stated.It was the norm ( then ) to just go out and leave your windows open ( with the curtains blowing out,so that anyone could see that your windows are open ) you also left your back door open and sometimes you would come home to find that the grocery boy has been while you were away ( you find your groceries unpacked and placed on the table and other similar things.Today stuff like this is totally unheard of. The other thing is that way back then we spent every day ( till about 9pm ) playing in the street.Which kept us much more healthy than the kids of today,thats why we could breath lead/smoke etc because we were much more healthy. On the other hand,what you have today is called advancement in technology. PS we also got the cane at school if we mis-behaved.
  14. As you say,its illegal,so if you are caught it could cost you.On the other hand,family comes first.I suppose the bottom line is that you have to weigh up the pros and cons and decide if it is worth the risk.I dont know much about asthma but I should think that you have to do whatever you can for people ( close to you ) to alleviate the prob;em as much as possible.
  15. Same here,the last thing we need right now is a 1 man team,like we used to have
  16. These (so called ) injuries are really getting up my nose at the WC.Players are going down for nothing at all.The way most of the players are carrying on I would think that if their girlfriend kissed them on the cheek the girlfriend would have to call an ambulance and rush them to emergency. IMHO any injury ( apart from head ) should be treated off the field. That way if a player is going to go down because another player brusshed past him he gets treated off the field and his team are down to 10 men while he gets treatement for the life threatning injury.
  17. Here is the Qcola we get here,its only aviable in 1.25 liter and cost $1 This picture was taken in my "Man cave" you can see part of my Aston villa wall clock and a sign I bought at VP when I was there,there are also lots of cat stuff.
  18. My wife was hooked on Pepsi as well,then she tried Qcola and now she is hooked on that instead.One bottle of Qcola cost $1,so that is a very big saving.If you can get Qcola in England,try that.
  19. I am actually hoping that Portugal get knocked out,all because of Ronaldo ( Prick )
  20. I think New Caladonia Vs Fiji could be the final
  21. I read that the next WC is going to be 32 teams,is that correct ?
  22. Well,I was a boxer for about 5 years and got hit in the head repetedly and it didnt effect me at all. Well,I was a boxer for about 5 years and got hit in the head repetedly and it didnt effect me at all. Well,I was a boxer for about 5 years and got hit in the head repetedly and it didnt effect me at all. Well,I was a boxer for about 5 years and got hit in the head repetedly and it didnt effect me at all.
  23. More than the usual amount of upsets this time around.
  24. PussEKatt


    Its the same,way down here in Perth as well
  25. All these puns are spoiling my train of thought.
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