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Everything posted by Lombardo

  1. I'm off to retire to the sitting room for the game.... Come on you Villans... Show these **** how to play ball...... COME ONNN!!!!!!!!
  2. Our midfield will have a tough day today with Gardner and Ferguson doing their usual chop anything down thats close approach.
  3. I just dare you to go out into the street and shout at the top of your voice, "I'm a banker and I just got a record bonus!" Go on, you know it makes sense I would be tempted! Not too sure it would go down well anyway, even though I'm not a Banker! It's handy here cos nobody knows me, apart from a select few, and sure they wouldn't harm a fly!! :winkold: A fly, no. But mine's a Guinness You need ANOTHER Guinness, Bri? Tha Vat of the stuff you're swimming in not enough for ya? Have you not seen him drink a pint John? He has IV lines constantly connected to his veins!!!
  4. I just dare you to go out into the street and shout at the top of your voice, "I'm a banker and I just got a record bonus!" Go on, you know it makes sense I would be tempted! Not too sure it would go down well anyway, even though I'm not a Banker! It's handy here cos nobody knows me, apart from a select few, and sure they wouldn't harm a fly!! :winkold:
  5. Record bonus announced today! Woop! This might be a good weekend!
  6. Some hot Bushmills to help clear off this cough... Some nice syrupy whiskey to break it... Cant beat it.
  7. Doubt they are still after Keane if they are after Miller as well....
  8. Slightly tongue in cheek I believe Brian!
  9. I was still here! I was just depressed at the state of our nation and the state of GED's army.... I was afraid to post in case someone would just accuse of me being biased against the French seeing as though I'm irish....... :winkold:
  10. I was just going to ask where you were Brian! There was no stats being updated the last couple of weeks!
  11. What a load of shite.... Houllier is really on the ropes now....
  12. Some people will never be pleased until we score a goal a minute... looking like a team that can pass or even look like threatining would be nice bellend! Settle... It's all about opinions I suppose but from what I'm hearing we have been dominating the game and threatening more than Sunderland....
  13. Some people will never be pleased until we score a goal a minute...
  14. Quality... I almost got thrown out of the house with the amount of see you next Tuesdays that were coming out of me aimed at that thieving druggy!
  15. Happy Christmas all ye folk! Off to get ****!
  16. Lombardo

    Snow Watch!

    Pelting it down here in Leixlip! Probably about an inch fell already today!
  17. Lombardo

    Snow Watch!

    That would look quite well on the front of my bat mobile anyway!
  18. Lombardo

    Snow Watch!

    Snow pelting it down in Leixlip here... May need a plough in front of me to get home.
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