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Everything posted by DCJonah

  1. How the **** are they still not in the bottom 3?
  2. It's literally been taken by racists. If anyone is angry about that then they're idiots.
  3. Mercedes could genuinely finish 5th
  4. It was but Roy was so bad and frustrating that he seemed so different.
  5. He was a breath of fresh air when Roy left. He's now just turned into another terrible manager stuck in his ways.
  6. It's happened multiple times in different sports and different areas of life.
  7. I'm surprised there's not much talk round it. They're becoming a nothing team. Aston Martin and McLaren certainly have more excitement around them.
  8. Mercedes are a joke. Another boring race tomorrow.
  9. Genuinely worrying the impact the daily mail, GB news and social media have had on the country.
  10. Those bastards. Imagine being outraged at something being inclusive.
  11. You mean 90% of your lunatic right wing algorithm on social media. And then in your echo chamber you actually believe you're the majority.
  12. We live in some strange times.
  13. DCJonah

    Jhon Durán

    Gabby was actually very good for a few seasons. If Duran can reach those levels then I'll be over the moon.
  14. There's probably more evidence of God being real than what you claimed earlier.
  15. No no no. You don't have to be tolerant of made up things. What you said is not true. The current issues with Boeing has nothing to do with this so called quota hiring you've claimed exists with zero evidence.
  16. This has nothing to do with hiring quotas. It's to do with the corner cutting and demand for profits that capitalism loves more than the safety of human life. Boeing sold their soul when they merged years ago and this is now the price of it. The fact you'd try to spin this as some right wing conspiracy about hiring less qualified people on some sort of quota is laughable.
  17. We got our point and spurs didn't. Good weekend for me.
  18. DCJonah

    Ezri Konsa

    Very much agree. It's made sense at times but we need him at CB.
  19. Reminds me a bit of Barkley. Career completely derailed and comes to us expecting it to get back on track but it doesn't work out that way and frustration kicks in.
  20. You can see why we've signed him. I think he'll be viewed as good value for money soon.
  21. I think he's needed a run of games. Can't do much getting 5 mins off the bench
  22. Get him back in that starting 11
  23. That fans that have supported him all season?
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