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Everything posted by screwdriver

  1. reminded me of the game we lost 3-2 in about 2011 cup match i think we were bossing it aswell then when van persie was coming off the bench to change the game. Well done Smith you've turned into Alex Mcleish
  2. Some people on this site seem to think we've just lost to wenger's invincibles! This is the worst arsenal team since bruce rioch's boys zaka - garbage Maitland-Niles - garbage Papastathopoulos - utter gash luiz - 1 decent game in 10 This arsenal team definalty puts the arse in arsenal we have definatly parted our battieo cheeks and flushed 3 points down trap one tonight
  3. You look at the big 6 in the prem and you think arsenal is the one you can get something out of. (possibly man utd aswell) everyone knows they have a rep for being soft touches. so it hurts like hell when we capitulate like that. its hurts even more so when you can see its so obvious what to do to get the 3points
  4. utterly disgusting surrender. disgracefull indecisiveness by smith it was panning out like spurs 2nd half attack v defence. nothing sticking up front. we needed davis on for wesley the david luiz look alike was the best player for arsenal he was the only one -playing with passion. we should of done a job on him early on that handball was a stone wall pen aswell. why can we only play one half of football? keep making the same mistakes week in week out. Mings messing about on the back post with a suicidal header to taylor who hesitated then they're back in it and can smell the points. It's stupidly obvious to anyone watching that game. Fresh legs in the centre of the park and a striker who can hold it up and we are going home happy.
  5. We needed davis on instead of elmo. nothing sticking up front. 3 points down the pan down to bad sub decisions....again
  6. indecisive smith should of sorted this with some subs to push us up the pitch its a re run of spurs
  7. If smith makes any unforced changes I'm switching the whole internet off. especially if he reaches for jota. We need more work rate from wesley.
  8. fantastic first half. El gazi needs to be braver and run with the ball and show some skills. grealish coming into it more towards the end disgusting play acting by the arsenal player trying to get wesley sent off. I demand retrospective action
  9. Just seen the team. dissappiinted for conner houihane but it's quite an attacking team. trezouget owes the fans a performance.
  10. It's time Villa took a big scalp. It doesn't matter if its backs to the wall for 89 minutes as long as we come away with 3 points. I'd like to think this new era of Villa will go to arsenal with no fear and play some champagne football and get a 2-0. This is possible because 1) arsenal have been playing in europe on thurs so that should have an effect. 3) arsenal have this reputation of being bottle jobs for certain games. d)Villa have been talking all season with determination and it's only the rub of the green that done us over..... against spurs/ palace / bournmouth and we're in a false position one win will galvanise us and we will gel. 4) some fans are saying we have a decent record at the emirates. I can't say if it's true or not I can only remember we scored the first goal there and o'neils team won 2-0 up there. z) gash prem teams like norwich and newcastle have both taken big scalps so far this season. Why can't villa take one? I genuninly thought we could go to spurs and get something but today I'm trying my best to be optimistic however I can see us getting an arse kicking. ozil always turns it on against Villa. and david luiz always looks solid against us. Do we try and go toe to toe or do we try and hold and play on the counter? If you try and soak for 89mins we need conner on the pitch in case we get a set piece. Houihane MUST start.....Jota MUST NOT!!!!
  11. When jack plays for england it will be mass hysteria again. just like beckham days totally box office. maybe thats what gareth southgate wants to avoid.....he doesnt want that circus. squad getting papp'd on a pre match walk about. so not selecting jack until he's bent one into the top corner against all of the big 6 is his way of keeping control.
  12. Jack is our version of gerrard and baggio. If he only gets 8/10 he's had a bad game. even if he's injured he must play. He made two bad passes against west ham. they went straight to their number 8. people always remember the bad stuff when youre the main man. if youre constantly crap people remember the amazing things (alan hutton for instance) but other than that he was the main man...as usual
  13. I agree Mings should think about how he delivers his message. Gazi needed instructions but its obvious he's a sensitive guy so barking at him in front of the holte end would upset him. Smith should make mings clean his cream loafers tonight. Gazi was garbage after that it so it obviously rattled him.
  14. That training video is laughable. Players jumping over hoops with big smiles on their faces. like gurning idiots. look at lansbury in that shot! he knows after larking about with the lads he's probably got 4 different birds to shag in the afternoon then dop 8k at the bullring vip. that vid looks like theyre playing in the garden with their nephews not training. no wonder micha richards stayed for 5 years without getting a game. I want to see sweat and intense pain on their faces veins bulging at the temples. like rocky 4 when he's training in the snow. grunting at high decibels. Villa media guys! I don't want to see these coiffured preening ponces enjoying themselves after 3 defeats in 4 games I want to see them screaming in the ice bath. get that footage for the next defeat.
  15. This is must win for smith. It's time for the talking to stop and results to show. we've had an easy start to the season and yet we're in the bottom 3. disgrace! Hourihane MUST start tonight. If we can't play high tempo pass the ball first time (which seems obvious we are not as fluent as many others in the prem) we need to take our chances at set pieces. The rest of the team (unfortunatly) picks itself. Villa Park needs to be a fortress tonight.
  16. Smith has said in interviews he wanted maupay but "the figures were too big" now we have no cover for centre forward now Kodjia is injured again. disgrACE. Jesus should answers some big questions. and the owners. if they're so rich why did they put the season ticket prices up? Football is all about TV money the season ticket money is chicken feed. I think this is a case of meet the new boss same as the old boss. I bet they put fake V8 badges on their cars. Everyone knows Villa needed players. Well the best plan would be to sign a first 11 solid prem players like James McCarthy and Andros Townsend and Charlie Austin. Just like Brucio did when we were in the champ filled the squad with solid players like Whelan Jedi and Snod. Then you can use the unknown forigeners as squad filler and hope 1 or two come off. This is a solid plan not a massive gamble like whats happened.
  17. The biggest concern is most of these players who came in to villa were 2nd or third choice. smith wanted phillips from leeds butland from stoke and some spanish winger mentioned in the evening mail (instead of the laughably named trezouget). and probably abraham back. He had to make do with compromises. Just like lambert who had tapped up lukaku and coutiniho only to be told "paddy reilly says cost too much tonev's stats look impressive for bulgarian league" If the owners are so rich why are they moaning about 5 million quid here or there? At liverpool Klop wanted Van dyke there was no plan b if saints said no so they blew them out the water and now they have an awesome team that never loses.
  18. I think smith has got it wrong so far this season. his decisions have left me totally baffled and display an unnerving tactical nativity beyond comprehension. We should have ten points by now. 1) the subs against spurs changed the game....for the worse. Jota did nada, apart from give it away cheap.....The solution to spurs bringing on erikson was to bring on lansbury to do a paul birch style man to man job. get right up his chuff plugged in balls deep. 2)the team that started against spurs should of started against bournmouth. luiz was fasttracked in (probably a nudge from pep) and promptly gifted bournmouth a goal. the solution was to start exactly the same team give luiz some game time at 60mins 3)smith was indecisive and waited too long to make the changes against everton. we were getting deeper and deeper. looked like a paul lambert half time team talk....certain players looked like the tanks were running on fume. if he had reacted sooner we would have been more comfortable e) bringing kenian davis on when down to ten men was suicide. pushing up the pitch was just what palace wanted so they could play their favorite counter attacking football. the goal came from a villa corner. Woy was wicking his wips when the subs were made. the solution was to bring on lansbury and shove grealish in the hole supporting the isolated wesley. after big money has been spent in the summer top 10 is a minimum requirement. O'Neill would be getting pelters right about now with this start.
  19. This is so true its crucial Grealish gets in the next squad. He'll never get booked again. Shearer used to get away with elbows. Terry and gerrard used to get away with all sorts of ABH. Gary lineker apparently never got a booking!
  20. it was a like for like swap winger for winger. was jota or trez who went off. just fresh legs
  21. Smith suprised many by bringing on Davies. This would have been hailed as a tactical master stroke if Villa had taken 1 point or 3. However by pushing Villa up the pitch more to avoid an iranian seige situation it gave palace the green light to do what they love to...counter attack. there was no danger when ayew had the ball. mings and grealish surrounded him they should have swept up.
  22. We needed a top top draw winger in the window. Trezouget just runs hard but has no end product to what I see. and I'm not just saying this as he got red carded. Look at the match thread I said something before half time. We should of gone all out for Andros townsend. he doesn't even get in the palace first 11 can cross drbble and decent work rate. Gazi and Jota are passengers for most of the game. Gazi I can see coming good maybe after 50 prem games but we need quaLITY delivery right now this season.
  23. We never get anything at sel hurts park. but the way it ended being cheated out of a point,,,,,,,,,, im absolutley enraged............. I push my fish and chips away untouched! smith should make sure he gets maximum press coverage by completely destroying friend in the post match presser. smith should get 3 game touchline ban but it will be worth it to expose "Korrupt Kev",.,,,...maximum vitriol for friend.
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