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Everything posted by tonyh29

  1. interesting on that site that your Messiah states "A perverted soul will smoke or drink alcohol" now correct me if I wrong but didn't Jesus drink wine ..didn't his desciples drink wine so was Jesus the bad apple of the family ? ..... Michaels' perverted distant cousin if you will ??
  2. I'm a bit late on this post so firstly Hi , I hope you appreciate the type of site this is and that banter is part and parcel of it ... It would be very easy to post many a flipant reply to a post like your's but fair play to you , you have your beliefs and are proud to defend them so for that you are to be respected , I doubt you'll change anyone's mind here though , we are a stubborn lot ,some have made 20,000 posts and still yet to conceed they are wrong :-) however I have some questions , based on your posts ... is there any evidence to suggest he did come ? I mean my wife has read 7 books about Harry Potter books but that doesn't make him real ..factual evidence for Jesus being the son of God ,other than blind faith , is zero but didn't god also in theory give man "free will" , which would then allow man to say NO ... lets say as an EXAMPLE ( with no hint of fact) that Hitler was doing God's work , maybe getting revenge on the jews who betrayed christ ,would that in your eyes allow you to forgive / defend Hitler becuase he was doing as God told him ?? it' also says that sex was the original sin (adam and Eve) ..hence the reason for the "virgin " birth as it did not befit the holy spirit to produce such an effect or to ecite any movement of passion ..in otherwords the virgin birth is to quench the fire of original sin ..or does Michael follow the other Bible practise of sleeping with his daughters like Lot ..the same daughters he offered to an angry mob who wanted to rape his 2 male house guests , Gen 19:6-8 and I've only got as far as page 4 of this thread ........
  3. it's a wonderful Life I really like James Stuart but Wonderful life doesn't do it for me ..quite dark for it's time ,though of course all comes good at the end ...as the film is 50 years old I doubt i'm spoiling the ending for anyone :-) or Home Alone .. dreadful film Best Xmas film by a million miles is Scrooged with Bill Murray .. love it when he wants to staple the antlers on the mice :-) Props man: I can't get the antlers glued to this little guy. We tried Crazy Glue, but it don't work. Frank Cross: Did you try staples? Lew Hayward: I was a captain of industry, feared by men, adored by women. Frank Cross: ADORED? C'mon, let's be honest, Lew. You PAID for the women. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frank Cross: I want to see her nipples. Censor Lady: But this is a CHRISTMAS show. Frank Cross: Well, I'm sure Charles Dickens would have wanted to see her nipples. James Cross: You know what they say about people who treat other people bad on the way up? Frank Cross: Yeah, you get to treat 'em bad on the way back down too. It's great, you get two chances to rough 'em up. class film .. Bill Murray is great
  4. In that case ... I'm the Messiah PS Fit birds only need apply , ugly birds can be freed remotely via the web , even the messiah has joined the 21st century
  5. tonyh29

    Top Gear

    Yeah , all men that eat banana's are gay :-) But , yes I think your right , May's gayness is obviously the latest in joke ..probably done to annoy some PC bloke in the BBC issueing memo's to the Top gear team each week
  6. tonyh29

    Top Gear

    Ben Collins is over 6 feet tall ... I don't think The Stig is as tall as that ?? Russ Swift is the Stig at times for the stunts , which adds weight to their being more than 1 stig Hill I don't think has enough time but he was quoted as saying "I am not the Stig. But then, only the true Messiah denies his divinity." I think it's Johhny Herbert for a wild stab in the dark
  7. saw the weigh in ...Hatton looked scared to me maybe just nerves though
  8. Think most books that I've read that have been adapted into a film have left me disappointed Take The Hoax that I read the other month , the film when i watched it on a plane a few weeks later was just nothing like it and ruined a good story ..same with Catch me if you can , whilst a good film , they left out soo many of the good books from the film When I write a best seller I'm not going to let anyone adapt it for the bigscreen ..well unless they give me bucket loads of cash and then they can do what the hell they want to my crappy book :-)
  9. 67 es úton seems the wife has been downloading hungarian music onto my itunes library having heard it I now fully understand why they've never won the Euro vision song contest Hunagry Nil point
  10. Flag Day - Housemartins I'll never get to Tory heaven listening to them :-)
  11. I didn't know there was another class of air travel ? Most , if not all , of this information is already known to them , when I flew into Miami the other month the bloke had my entire flight schedule including all the internal flights in Peru that I made ... and he asked me where the other 2 people I was travelling with were waste of time having to repeat it ..and how exactly would it stop terrorism ??
  12. ^^ No Beatles or Big Country in that list I notice :-) Runaground - James play their greatest hits to remind you of just how good they were /are (are they still going ?)
  13. long as England play all their matches away from home ..don't want those jock fans ruining the perfect Wembley pitch !!
  14. well at least we know it's not only England fans who live in a state of delusion :-)
  15. would have to gop with italy ..they deserved to win the world cup and shouldn't become a bad team within 2 years ...
  16. which also contains aspartame ..the one and the same ingredient of coke that is going to give you cancer I'll stick to Pepsi max as I've never seen an overweight lab rat and they drink it all the time
  17. tonyh29

    Barry George

    I wasn't suggestiong anything , i was asking peoples thoughts on the subject ... However George was convicted on what was very weak evidence , in fact the only evidence was the forensic evidence which has now been dismissed as flawed ... Yet based on a weak case George was still convicted by a jury ..... Remember , intelligence isn't a critieria for jury service selection and George was pretty much already found guilty in trial by media so it had to have been an influence on the jury at that time , or do you not think so ? ... in much the same way that the appeal court were probably influenced by CH4's program to quash his conviction this time around ....
  18. it says he was kicked and he went down and that he was wronged so where in your quotes from him does he say he dived ?
  19. Laursen def clipped his leg what makes it even funnier is De Ridder didn't even dive Karma for us being denied a clear pen against Man U the other week
  20. tonyh29

    Top Gear

    It was Clarksons comment about hoping nobody mistakes the Stig for a Brazilian electrician that made me wince a bit .... guess it all seemed a bit flat after the Botswana episode
  21. few from Aouth America , not done any photoshopping on them yet as been busy at work but ,some feedback welcome as always Taken in the jungle but low light seems to have caused it to over expose in places: beleive it or not I found this on a tree near our lodge ..it's pitch black and i took it on normal exposure without a tripod by holding a torch in my teeth and shining alight on it ....the S.A tarantula is black and not as colourful as they ones you usually see , possibly a bad photo ,I'm trying to decide if i should bin it or not another one taken in the pitch black without a tripod ... quite a rare spot and we came across them by accident whilst out searching for caymens ,but such is luck :-) I quite like this shot , too much close up though ?? On the galapagas islands now , you can walk amongst the wildlife here , so tried a few close up shots this sighting was amazing , a sea turtle laying it's eggs on the beach in daylight ..didn't go too close so as not to disturb it but still able to get some good shots of it I like the effect of the digging , but maybe it needed more treatment like Bicks gave his horse and cart ,and more depth , to give it more feel ?? will do some more later at the risk of boring non photographers ...but then this is a photgraphy thread :-) got some non animal ones , monuments , landmarks etc , which are usually a bit easier for a point and click merchant like myself as they don't tend to move :-)
  22. bugger , my money was on bottom right , with Chrisvilla on his left :-)
  23. tonyh29

    Barry George

    but he has previously lost one appeal which could suggest the case isn't as weak as CH4 would have us believe ? another question on this would be though ..if the case really was weak and yet he was convicted by a jury of his peers ... do we need to look at the way jury's are put together in this country ? did they just convict him because Dandomania was high and they wanted to be seen to do the right thing ..or did they examine the evidence carefully and come to an informed decision ??
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