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Everything posted by tonyh29

  1. No i based it on VT being full of lazy students who traditionally vote labour and the fact that we have a high northern contingent on here who wouldn't vote Tory even if they were (and are) the best party to vote for as things stand
  2. Not reallya s a poll would be weighted and take regional variations ... On this web site for example i would expect the Tories to loose If the poll was done in my home town then i would expect the Tories to get about 70 % and Labour next to nothing ,sadly we have loads of wooly lib dems around here :shock: to account for the rest of the vote Polls are important but only if you understand how to use them and how they were compiled
  3. Thats like saying Barry isn't a good player as he's never won a trophy Ringo Starr was a far far better drummer than anyone gives him credit for ... The drumming on She Said , She said I'm reliably informed is nothing short of impossible The myth that The Beatles couldn't play is born out of nothing more than people wanting to knock them , they were very tight and very good accomplished musicians ... they didn't turn up in a studio and get all these records by luck , even the arrnagements by George Martin were a 2 way thing it wasn't like Martin took a crap song and transformed it It's true that Lennon \ Mccartney borrowed ideas but it never harmed Oasis or The Jam did it ? .. bit of trivia Lennon borrowed the melody for All you need is Love , from "Three blind Mice " believe it or not
  4. :-) interestingly enough it's the only piece I can play ..and on a whole host of instruments though I've yet to master it on the glockenspiel the sound of silence over Queen anyday
  5. Question for Rob : How did you mange to vote 16 times in the same poll , i thought you could only vote once per poll
  6. and their first Number 1 From me to Ewe and before anyone tries to argue Please Please Me was not an official number 1 ,
  7. he changed the arrangement or something and even helped with the lyrics as Paul was struggling on bit sof it .. when they bitchiness started in the 70's Lennon denied any knowledge of the song and said it was "All Pauls" but if you read some of the obscure Beatles publications I have then Mal Evans etc point to Lennon's input it's often the way they worked so not that big a deal and McCartney may still have produced the same song without help
  8. :shock: other way around for me , even Mc's greatest moment "Yesterday" only came to be due to Lennon's input collectivly they complimented each other but Lennon was def the driving force
  9. Beatles by miles and miles , even before Eddie Van Halen ruined Californian Girls :-) Pet Sounds may have influenced Sgt Pepper but Wilson also conceeded that Rubber Soul was the influence for Pet Sounds so it's a weak arguement as for The Beatles being the N Sync of their day , I now award you the prize for the dumbest post in the history of the Internet , it's a lifetime award as I seriously doubt that statement will ever be beaten ... Take a bow and keep your acceptance speech down to 2 minutes :-) The Beatles ARE the most influential band in history ..
  10. Think it was intended as mind games and a dig at Grant but if it was Chelsea then Shevchenko would be playing every week as it's one of the factors that led to Jose leaving If I had to bet on a team it would be Newcastle tbh ..Keegan knew nothing about Wise joining his setup and I think he was pressured into playing a clearly not fit Owen and I'm sure Keegan fell out with Martins as well only to recall him
  11. it is and i tougt i typed it like that but my " " isn't working on my keyboard
  12. and yet they currently stand at 0 % and zero votes on the poll edging your bets are we ? :-)
  13. I take so many that tbh I don't get a chance to edit them ...that's a job for my retirement :-) If I get a photo that I'm likely to put online then i may give them the photshop treatment but digital does encourage you just to take 5 shots and bin 4 and keep the best
  14. I've just brought a new house so expect a huge price crash anytime soon as i've just put mine on the market
  15. what if you had to kill Izabella Scorupco ..would you still be up for it ? (has to before you spend the night before you ask ..)
  16. any sexy women poll that can include JK Rowling in it must be flawed surely ? Hard to tell from that airbrushed lot of photos who is actually hot in the flesh ..I propose that i sleep with them all so i can judge them all without make up in the morning and get a true reflection ..with possibly an extra poll to see who can make the best eggs and bacon ... Emma Watson and Ellen Paige (not a good photo of her on the FHM site , she is fiter than that) for me though ... see if you can spot the pattern ..... Edit : PS Gemma Atkinson has just given me another reason to hate Ronaldo
  17. Who are those people Rev , the birds quite cute (the one in the blue jumper I'm talking about , just in case anyone wasn't sure :shock: )
  18. The wife does a mean layered potato thingy one layer sliced potato (she boils these first to cook them) , 1 layer sliced boiled egg , 1 layer suasages , then repeat until you fill your cooking dish top layer has grated cheese on top and then you cover with cream freche (I think it is , may just be cream) cook in oven and bingo very tasty .. of course it's not for anyone on weight watchers
  19. tonyh29

    Best Bond

    Interesting that Craig has scored so high ... I seem to recall a thread called "the names Bond , no I'm a blond clearing in the woods " on Villatalk a few years back and that a lot of people were against him taking the role ?? Is it the fact that Casino Royale was such a good film that has made people accept Craig as Bond or did Craig make it a good film with his Bond ? I voted Craig , based mainly on the fact that he made the role fell more realistic .. Austin Powers could never have spoofed Bond based on Casino Royale whereas Moore and Connery Bond films do have an element of camp comic about them ..Judo chop PS on the basis that you removed Dalton & Lazenby for beign crap ,you could argue Moore should have been ommitted as well :-)
  20. i used them to get some tickets on broadway ... funny enough broadway.com only offered me the VIP tickets at $250 a go whereas ticketmaster got me good seats without the need for the VIP upgrade /rip off tickets were waiting for me when i called at the theatre ok they charged me a fee but no more than i would have expected
  21. tonyh29

    Do you read?

    One to recommend is Tom Cain - The accident man Won't give it away as to what it's about ..I seem to think it's obvious from the back cover and first few pages but just in case it isn't I won't say any more than if your a bit of a conspiracy nut it will have you saying , yeah thats how it was done and if your not it will at least have you thinking , yeah it's kinda plausable good first book and he has another one on the way which i hope will be as good
  22. Yes ..but echo Jc's comments
  23. can't say I agree with you ..i thought it was a good article and probabaly sums up most peoples feelings perfectly .. if you want to know what happened in the match then buy the NOTW or a TV .. not sure I agree about Salifou , to me he doesn't look like a Prem player and Laursen of late has been playing too high up the pitch and not making the tackle , but that's not to say that Laursen is to blame with this , more the lack of quality midfielder to play that role (or the way the team is currently setup ?) some players need a rest , some youngsters need blooding .. 2+2 = 4 maybe ?
  24. i'm sure that was more than 30 sec :-)
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